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We were at my house.

My mom was at a writer retreat, whatever that was? Anyways, it just made sense for us to be here instead of at his house. Simone was home, and we weren't gonna do that with her there.

We knew we were breaking the rules a little, but it had almost been a month so... cut us some slack.

I stared at Tom through the mirror.

"Why are you staring at me like that, it's scary." He shudders, looking down at me. "I like your face." I shrug, turning around.

"You know what I like?" He raises his brows, I fake shrug. He leans down, beginning to suck on my neck gently. "Can you guess what I like?" He breathes out.

"I like having healthy lungs, expands the variety of things we can do." I hop on the counter behind me.

"You're right, it does." He pulled away, nodding. I leaned back on my palms, spreading my legs open further. "Can- I don't care, do whatever." I cut him off. "Anything?" He questions.

"Mhm." I reassure, he begins to tug on my waistband, I lift my butt up, helping him tug my pants down.

I sat back up a little, Tom run's his fingers down the end of my shirt, pulling it up. I didn't like that I was nearly naked and he still had most his clothes on.

I get closer to the edge, taking his shirt off as well.

"I'm doing you, for now." He pushes me further, I lick my lips in, leaning back again. I was on my elbows, my back slightly touching the counter.

He spreads me out further, looking up at me. I nod closing my eyes, he began to pinch my panties slightly, taking them off as well.

I knew he had never done this before, so I wasn't expecting insane pleasure, but you know...

He's a quick learner, i'm sure it'll be good.

I felt his grip tighten around my thighs, I look down. Seeing him place his head near the backs of my knees, beginning to kiss upwards, higher and higher.

I let out a shaky breath, gasping as I felt him nearing my slit. He began planting small hickeys on the sides of my thighs, teasing me.

"I didn't tease you, this isn't fair." I threw my head back, in annoyance. "That was when, we had lung cancer. Do we still have lung cancer Dani?" Tom kisses the outer part of my pussy, looking up at me.

"Please." My chest began rising up and down, due to the excitement that was coursing through.

I felt him lick vertically, upwards.

"Oh!" I moaned, feeling the sudden wetness. It was a raspy moan, more of a scream. I wasn't expecting it.

He pulls me down closer, my back now laying flat on the counter. I spread out even more, letting him place his head in between my legs.

His thumbs went in between my lips, opening them. He breathed out on my wetness, you know when you pulsate? You feel it in between your legs?

My inner thighs were twitching, not pulsating. Twitching. I bite my bottom lip, screwing my eyes shut. I moaned quietly, feeling him just barely touching me.

My eyes went wide, feeling him spit.

"Ah!" I whined, crossing the ends of my legs. He curves his lips around my clit, sucking on it. I wasn't staying quiet, letting out a bunch of 'Ooo's.' as he would go on.

Nothing about this was meant to be silent.

My moans hitch louder. As my brows furrow, I lean back up on my elbows, watching him.

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