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We were in the food court, getting lunch.

"Dude, I don't want the salad but the burger gives me heartburn." I whine, looking at the options.

"You can take something for the heartburn, salads are gross." Tom furrows his brows thinking about all the spinach. He hated spinach.

"The big leafy green monster is gonna eat you!" I put on an over exaggerated voice, pinching his side. "Stop it's not funny, it tastes like ass." Tom snickers.

"I'll just get a burger." I unclench the money from my palms, handing it to Tom. There was literally no need to argue about who was paying... neither of us had our own money. So, it was fine either way.

"Two cheese burgers please with a side of fries please." Tom knocked on the counter lightly, the cashier nodded and yelled his order to the back.

Tom hands him the money before we go off to the side, waiting for our food. "So, what else is new?" Tom laughs, tapping his index finger against his arm.

"We already know everything about each other, shut up." I laugh back, shaking my head.

"I think they're putting me on a new medication, the other one made me feel nauseous." Tom says, I shrug. "It's always made me feel fine but let me know if the new one is any better." I responded.

"It really doesn't make you feel like you want to puke?" Tom asks, I curve my lips dropping my shoulders. "No." I reply, plainly.

"Well damn." Tom sighs, I squeeze his hand a little. Pointing to our food with my eyes. Tom steps away, grabbing it. "Do you want to eat here, or in our room?" Tom holds our tray of food.

"Here, it's so depressing up there." I drag his arm to one of the middle tables, we both sit down. Getting situated with our meals.

"What flavor cake do you wanna buy for our birthday?" I smiled, a little. Thinking about it." Whatever you want." He returns my smile, nudging my shoulder.

"It's your birthday too!" I nudge him back.

"It matters to me more that you're happy on your birthday." Tom reassures. "But I want you to be happy as well." I whine.

"And I will be, if you're happy." He explains. "You're always so sweet." I pout happily. "When I try to be, I can be, yes." Tom agrees, I scoff hitting him jokingly.

"Did you just... hit a cancer patient?" He places his hands on his heart, jokingly.

"Stop." I giggle, he laughs and relaxes. Beginning to bite into his burger, I watch him closely. "Is it good?" I question, Tom keeps it in his mouth for a second.

He nods.

I pick my burger up, taking a bite out of it. I always had a very fast metabolism, and I liked to eat a lot. I couldn't do it often though, it made me nauseous.


"Hi, i'm back." Nurse Lina smiles, coming back in our room. I roll my eyes looking to Tom.

"I just had to ask some questions for your follow up appointments, we could do them privately?" She suggests. "We're comfortable." Tom responds.

"Okay, the questions might get a little personal. Are you sure?" She asks again. "Yes, it's fine." I reassure.

"Alright." She sets her computer on the bed, scooting in a chair. "Do either of you have a family history?" Linda asks. "No." We respond at the same time.

"Do you smoke or drink?" She looks to the both of us. "No." We responded again.

"When were you first diagnosed?" I look to Tom, telling him to go first. "April 22nd, 2002."

"March 17th, 2002." I said after. "Saint patrick's day hm?" She jokes, I don't say anything else. Not finding it funny. "Anyways..." Linda clears her throat.

"Pregnant?" She switches her glance to me, I shake my head no. "When was your last period?" She asks. I hum a little thinking about it.

"I think just four days ago is when it ended." I think for it a minute, trying to figure it out. I didn't have the best memory. "Basically what the question is, is if your cycle is regular." Nurse Linda explains.

"Oh yeah it is." I reply.

"Have you had any procedures in the past year or so?" She asks us both. "No." We say in unison.

"Have either of you done chemotherapy?" She crosses her legs, leaning back in her chair. "Our type of cancer is aggressive, the doctors said our bodies wouldn't be able to withhold it." I explain.

"Got it." She clicks her tongue, Tom and I's legs intertwine beneath the covers, as my head rested on his chest while we answered the questions.

"Just a couple more questions and we'll be done."


"Is your breathing any better?" Tom holds my back, I take a deep breath in and out. "Does it feel better?" Tom and I had picked up a couple tricks.

"It sounds and feels like your wheezing." Tom pouts.

"At least i'm getting sicker before you." I put my hair behind my back, not showing any emotion other then the occasional smile.

"Don't say that." Tom sucks in his lips, looking at me worriedly. "I'm fine Tom, don't stress it." I wave him off. "But what if you're not?" His eyes shake.

"Baby, i'm not dying. Not for a couple months anyways, you're stuck with me I promise." I hold his face.

"Can you make an appointment anyways? To make sure it hasn't spread further?" He smiled weakly.

"Of course, i'll make a follow up for new scans with our doctor." I felt him take a deep exhale that he had been holding, he was worried for me.

When I didn't want him to be worried.

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