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"Lock the door." Tom points to it.

I hopped over his body, rushing to the door. I look out the doors window, it wasn't that busy out there.

I turned the lock, to the left. Taking a step back and closing the curtains. I take off my pj shorts, along with the white crop top I had on.

I walk back to Tom, getting on his lap. I grab the box of condoms from beside us. I place my fingertips underneath the cardboard lifting it up.

I dump all of them over Tom's head, giggling.

He laughs a little, shaking his head. "Can I take this off?" He moved his hands up my back, onto my bra.

"Don't ask, just do. I trust you." I nodded.

"I'm still gonna ask." Tom murmurs, moving my hair to the other side of my neck. I tilted my head a bit, giving him room.

Tom's hands grip my inner thighs, massaging them as he softly nibbles on my neck. I felt him inch up higher and higher. He slides his fingers up and down my lower v-line, he was almost there.

I rested my head on his shoulder, his fingers went underneath the fabric, moving onto my slit. I bit my bottom lip, feeling him glide his finger down.

"Uh!" I moaned, at the contact. I heard his light snickering. "It's not funny." I shook my head, against his shoulders. "You feel good, which makes me feel good which is funny." Tom responds.

"Look at me." He tapped on my back gently with his other hand, I lifted my head up from his shoulders squinting at him.

He brought his thumb in the mixture, as his other two fingers rub in circular motions. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. My face was twitching, trying to not make a noise, but then suddenly....

Tom places his thumb on my clit, pressing down.

"Tom!" I shout, my face scrunching up, my whole body had jolted. "I just wanted to see your reaction when I did that, that's all." He shrugs, chuckling.

It felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest, no, no. I was just getting to the good part. "Slow down a little please." I trilled my lips, annoyed.

"Don't overwork yourself, we have all night." Tom reassures, taking his fingers out.

Tom separates his middle and ring finger, placing his tongue in between them before closing his mouth. Sucking on them.

I looked down a little, feeling the blush overtake me. It was a little embarrassing, I was putting my body out for the first time ever. I mean, last time I was controlling my energy into him, now he's doing it to me.

"Can we get less pieces of fabric off." I tugged on his shirt. "You're the one who haven't taken them off." Tom laughs. "Do I have to do everything?" I huff.

He doesn't respond, I roll my eyes, and lift his shirt off him revealing his chest. "What if I just sat on it and got it over with." I suggested, taking his pants off.

"I don't think that's a good idea, i'll go slow." Tom flips us over, I gasp before laughing. "I didn't expect that." I breath out, my chest rising up and down.

We both sat there for a minute, staring at each other letting our breathing adjust. "I hope nothing changes after." Tom smiles. "Nothing could change." I shake my head, giving him a hug.

"Are you ready?" Tom asks, I raise my feet up higher. Sliding his boxers off with them. "Ready." I nod, there was so many condoms just all over the bed.

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