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By @poppING_melaNIN03

Could use some improvement

Chapters: 30; ongoing
Genre: Romance, mystery
Star rating: 2/5 stars
Review by: @Kitten_Kraze

The main character of this book, Amore, is a Nigerian girl that settled in the United States. In this book, we read of her journey — of what she had to go through and how she adapted to her new environment.

To start off with, I'd like to say that the general plot of this book is good. If written well, it could actually amass a lot of readers. However, this book needs a lot of work to be done in order for it to do so. I'd also like to applaud the author for their choice in a cover as well as the informatory summary. When I first found this book, these were the two main factors that led me to start reading it.

On the up side, the contents of the book correspond with the cover and the title. Racism and discrimination towards the African main character by white people is seen throughout the book. Amore has to go through a lot as well as persevere through all the racism she faces. The characters are also mentioned through Amore and some are actually pleasant to read about.

In spite of that though, I encountered a lot of issues that need to be addressed. One of the biggest problems that is evident throughout the book is the unnecessary capitalisation of words and phrases. For some parts, it is to bring out the importance of the phrase, but mostly, it is unnecessary and can be putting off.

In terms of the dialogue, it is not realistic for the most part. It is hard to imagine the characters actually speaking and the Author must take note of this. As the book is written in the first person, the most suitable pronoun to use throughout would be 'I', but with different sentences, it would be good to change their beginnings, so as to limit repetitions which eventually makes the book monotonous.

Another issue is that the paragraphs are far too short. This makes the chapters a bit long and this may make some readers reluctant to keep reading through. The short paragraphs are also due to the lack of detailed descriptions of some things which makes it hard for us readers to paint a picture of what is going on in our heads.

In conclusion, I'd like to commend the Author for bringing us this story. It has its issues, but with some editing and a few changes, I feel this book could be even better.


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