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by @castlenovelist97

The book is poorly presented, but it has a good plot

Chapters: 16; ongoing
Genre: Fairytale; Romance
Star rating: 2/5 stars
Review by: @Kitten_Kraze

In The Thorns of a Castle is described as a Rapunzel retelling. Generally the book talks about queens, princesses, witches and magic — just your average fairytale. It mentions other popular princesses like Cinderella and Snow White and the general plot would appeal to younger audiences and people that love fairytales.

The parts of the book are actually quite good. The author writes with barely any typos and the chapters are written with good descriptions. Despite that though, this book is admittedly very hard to read because of a few main reasons.

For starters, the paragraphs are far too long and make it hard for the reader to stay focussed on reading. Some chapters are just around two pages because all the sentences are meshed together into a few long paragraphs.

In addition, the style in which the chapters are written is note the same throughout the book. In some parts, the chapters are written in bold and other places they're in italic. This would not be a problem if the book followed the same format throughout. However, in this book's case, readers are likely to be confused since chapters in bold italics could be confused for author's notes and flashbacks.

Another big problem would be the author's notes. Generally, author's notes help connect the reader and the writer, but some of the authors notes we come across in this book are frustrating. Most of them take up more than half of the chapter and at some points, they appear mid-chapter and then the book suddenly continues which leaves readers confused. I suggest the author create new parts designated for author's note to avoid this confusion and frustration.

In The Thorns Of A Castle has an attention-grabbing title. Unfortunately, that is not always  enough to reel readers in. The book has no real summary that gives insight of what the book is about. Instead there is what is more like an author's note in the blurb area. This is likely to make readers not give this book a chance and due to that, the author is highly advised to spend time working on writing an intriguing blurb for the book which could get them more readers.

In conclusion, I just want to applaud the author for developing this story idea. The only problem is that because of its presentation, not many people will get to appreciate the actual story, so I implore you to work on the book's presentation so as to bring out the story idea.


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