The Dress I

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"I know Mum, before I leave I will make sure to attend to all customers available at the moment, okay Mum?"

"Alright." Linda said with a sigh.

Erica nodded and went to attend to all customers available at that moment.

**Few minutes later**

She was done attending to all customers and she headed home. When she got home she knocked, suddenly the door opened, behind the door was a beautiful young girl. Her eyes widened all of a sudden.

"Hey big sis! thank goodness you are back, I really need your help." She young girl said.

Erica smiled and walked in ' What would she possibly need from me right now? I have things to do ' Erica thought and sighed. "What is it Lily?" She asked.

"Big sis their is a dress I saw in a supermarket yesterday, I really like the dress and I would like to wear it to the party am having in school." Lily said with a pleading expression.

"So what's the problem then?" Erica asked.
'Is she going to ask me to beg Mum? no way ' Erica thought and looked at Lily wierdly.

"Mum doesn't want to get the dress for me, please plead on my behalf please elder sis." Lily pleaded.

"No way Lily, I can't afford to be scolded by Mum please, I have an interview tomorrow so, sorry I can't." Erica said and walked into her room and opened her Wardrobe.

"Please sister please, please, please, I really love the dress." Lily said still with the same expression.

Erica looked at her little sister, Lily, she was part of her weakness, Erica couldn't refuse her. "Alright then, happy?" Erica said and sighed.

"Thank you sister!" Lily said I'm excitement.

Erica glanced at her few clothes, and picked one of the dress.

"Lily does this look good?" Erica asked with a smile.

Lily looked at the dress, and her face suddenly turned into a different expression "No." she said.

Erica frowned and returned the dress back to her Wardrobe and brought out a different dress "What about this?" Erica asked.


Erica sighed helplessly not knowing what to wear for her interview tomorrow. Lily smiled and searched Erica's Wardrobe and she brought out a navy blue dress.

"This is perfect." Lily said with a smile.

"Okay then, I will wear what you pick for me." Erica smiled.

"Big sis it looks like you are really excited for this interview tomorrow." Lily said and looked at Erica trying to figure out her expression.

"Yes I am excited, really, really excited, but am also nervous too, my biggest prayer at the moment is to get this job, I must do my best to get this job cause if I get the job I will earn a lot of money and I will make sure Mummy never gets stressed at anytime and I will make her live a comfortable life."

"And I will make her coffee shop the best in Kriska because it will be number one, and I will take you to the best school." Erica said. ' I will work to my very best ' she thought.

Lily stared at Erica with a frown "Sister but you know people of your age are getting married or perhaps have a true love or a boyfriend but you have none why? Won't you find love?" Lily said.

"Come on, am not interested in love right now." Erica said. " What I need now is to earn a lot of money to take care of Mum and you, so I don't have time to think of love." Erica added. ' I must make sure to get this job for my family ' she thought.

They heard a knock from the direction of the door, before Erica could get their Lily had already gotten there, so she opened the door.

"Mummy..... you are back." Lily said with a gloomy expression.

Linda took notice of that " Lily?" Linda said with a questioning look.

"Yes Mum." She replied still with the same expression.

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