Can't you drive properly?

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** The Next Morning **

Erica woke up with a Big smile on her face, checking the time on her phone her eyes widened.

"Oh no! It's 7:30am already, am late." Erica rushed to the bathroom, took her bath, put on her clothes, fixed a light make-up and checked the time on her phone for the second time.

"8:09, oh my God am late......Lily!" She called out the name of the little girl who was sleeping peacefully "Lily Wake up!!"

Lily slowly opened her eyes , she yawned and used her right palm to cover her mouth "Good.. Morning sister." Lily said as she stretched her body. And looked at her sister properly "Oh! You are ready." She said.

"No am not, can't you see am running late!" Erica said "Anyway am going right now so you'll make breakfast for Mum and yourself and also head to the coffee shop after you are done with the house chores." She added.

Lily eyes widened " Cook?...... Coffee shop? Oh my God!" Lily said looking exhausted.

"Mum is asleep right now and I don't actually want to wake her, so when she wakes up, tell her I have gone for my interview okay?" Erica said.

Lily nodded her head.

Erica stared at her face in the mirror one more time, adjusted her hair " Lily am off, BYE!!!" Erica said and left.

"Best of Luck Big Sis!!!" Lily said and sighed, she laid back on the bed.


Jimmy woke up still having the same nightmare, he went into the bathroom, took his bath and came out with a towel wrapped around his waist, showing his perfect arbs and perfect torso, he wore his clothes and he walked to the direction of the door, he heard a knock.

He opened

"Good morning sir." A tall figured man said.

"We are ready to leave now sir." He added.

"No need, I will go to the office today with my P.A, where is Zach?" He said with his voice filled with authority.

"Here I am sir!" Zach appeared out of no where.

"Mm." Jimmy nodded and headed to his car

Zach sighed and followed his boss.

**On The Way**

Jimmy while in his car brought out his phone from his pants pocket and started to do somethings In it .

They were now on the path filled with dirty water of the rain that fell last night, Zach wearing a smile on his handsome face didn't notice that the road was a bit rough, then he became frightened as he saw a lady been splashed with dirty water by the car he was driving, he stopped the car immediately. Oh no what have he done.

Zach looked at the lady still in the car, she looked like she was heading to work, what had he done now.

Erica was so angry, he was driving so recklessly who the hell does he think he is, she couldn't stop her self from yelling at the man

"Can't you drive properly!"

Zach came down from the car hoping not to disturb his boss, who was focused in his phone "Am sorry ma'am." Zach said.

Erica dress was really stained how would she go for her interview, she looked around and that was when she realised that someone else was also in the car and he didn't even care to see what was happening like she was some piece of trash that he can just ignore after what his car did to her.

She hated things like that, no matter how rich he was he is not on top of the world they are all humans. She hit the car " Come out Mr!" Erica yelled.

Jimmy whose attention was focused on his phone looked up to see who the hell was that, that dared to yell that way towards him.

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