The Dress II

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"Yes Mum." Lily said with the same expression.

" Why with the long face?" Linda asked.

"Mum....I..... the dre......" Erica cut Lily off.

"Mum the thing is she really wants the dress, please Mum get it for her, since I came back she has been begging me to plead on her behalf." Erica said and sighed in relief ' I finally said it all, I hope I don't get scolded now ' Erica thought and she looked at her Mum with a pleading look.

"I won't, and why should I? She has other dress she can wear for the party that will suit her, why should I lavish my money on that dress that looks really expensive?" Linda said.

"Lily looks like Mum is right, let's not lavish our money on the expensive dress it will be too expensive, but don't worry if I eventually get this job, my first pay I will use it to get you what ever you want that's a promise okay?" Erica said.

Lily frowned in disappointment "But I really want that dress." Lily said as a tear dropped from left eye down to her left cheek and she wiped it.

"Lily come on don't cry I will get the dress for you, but not now, maybe you can wear a different dress for the party.." Erica said trying to convince her.

"If that is the case then I won't be attending the party, cause this is the dress I want to wear and since Mum has refused to get the dress for me, I have nothing to wear so I won't attend it." Lily said and wiped her tears.

"Come on Lily don't talk like that you have other dress that are beautiful, you will attend the party okay?" Erica said.

"Then please get me that dress please *sobs*." Lily pleaded

Linda stared at her Little daughter, she couldn't possibly watch her disheartened, her two daughters was her weakness.

"Alright, but on one condition." Linda said with a small smile.

Lily eyes widened on hearing her Mum's words "What Mum?" She asked suddenly wondering what her Mum would say.

"Since Erica is going for an interview tomorrow, and looking at her and knowing her well I believe she will pass the interview, so am sure she will get the job and that is why I want you to always come to the coffee shop as she always does when you are back from school after you are done with your homeworks." Linda said.

' Mum also believes that I will get this job, O God please help me don't let me fail her '

"Mum I also need to study for my final year exams." Lily said lazyly.

"Then you'll study when you're back home after work...and if you don't want the condition, then I won't get you the........" Lily cut her off with her sudden words.

"No, no, no, no, no, Mum..... I'll do it." Lily said as she blinked her eyes rapidly.

Linda sighed "Okay then I will get the dress for you tomorrow." Linda said with a smile.

"Yes!!! Thank you Mummy." Lily wrapped her arms around her Mum's neck from behind and pecked her on her right cheek " I love you Mum." Lily said and leapt to her room and Erica sighed in relief and stared at her Mum who was looking exhausted.

"Mum go and freshen up you look exhausted." Erica said with a worried look.

Linda nodded "Okay I'll find now." Linda said as she stood up and headed to her room, Erica also went to freshen up and prepared her self more for her interview tomorrow.

** The Next Morning **

Erica woke up with a big smile on her face showing her two cute dimples, checking the time on her phone her eyes widened.

"Oh no it's 7:30am already, am late!!" She rushed to take a shower, after taking her shower, she put on her clothes, fixed a light make-up and checked her phone for the second time.

"8:09, oh my God am late..... Lily!!!" She called the name of the little girl who was sleeping peacefully and quietly.

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