The Interview III

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"E...ri... Erica." She stammered still in shock and in disbelief '  I can't believe if I get this job this arrogant man will be my boss. But I pray I get this job ' She thought, she really wanted to get the job, cause mere looking at the company's appearance the amount the workers are going to be paid here is not an mundane sum of money.

**An Hour Later**

Erica came out of the office and walked around still staring at how beautiful and big the company is, she has never seen such before [The New Software Technology Company] she was told to wait outside the office, while strolling around she sat on a close by chair.

While admiring the chair, she noticed a young figure standing at her front and she gaped, the lady was beautiful but Erica was sure that her beauty wasn't compared to hers, but for her what was the point of her beauty.

"Hi." The lady suddenly said with a smile.

"Hey!" Erica said feeling a bit strange.

"What's your name?" The lady asked.

"Am Erica... you?" Erica smiled.

"Am Alicia..friends?" Alicia asked with a smile.

"Hmm.....yes why not?" Erica said and chuckled.

"Are you perhaps a new worker here?" Alicia asked desperately.

"I am sure yet, I just came for my interview, but am not sure if I will be hired.....wait is that the CEO'S office?" Erica asked as she pointed at the direction of Jimmy's office.

"Oh yes....that means you are the new secretary!..... I mean if you get the job you will be the secretary here." Alicia said in surprise.

Erica stared at her all perplexed, " How do you know that if I get this job that is the position I will be?" Erica asked.

"Well the thing is we desperately need a secretary....our boss just recently fired our formal secretary, because she tried to seduce him."

"That is the reason this days he interview new workers himself, so as to be sure that they won't do the same thing, he usually don't have time for this company, he has companies in other places and this is his smallest company so he usually don't come here it's very rare." Alicia said.

Erica stared wide-eyed, what is Alicia even saying that this is his smallest company, is she blind or what? This company is very, I mean so big and even that word for it is an understatement and now her friend is saying this is his smallest company, how rich is this man? She couldn't help but wonder that the same man she had insulted this morning was as rich as this.

They heard sounds from other direction.

"Who is this new person in our company?" One of the female worker asked her fellow female worker as they both stared at Erica.

"I have no idea...but I think she will be the new secretary." The other female worker said glaring at Erica.

One of the female worker stared at Erica from up to down. "I won't doubt she is beautiful, but I hope she won't steal the boss's heart."

"Come on, since you've been in this company has the boss ever looked at any lady even though they are beautiful? Not to talk of looking at this cheap girl." The other female work said and hissed.

"But what if she tries to seduce the CEO like the other female workers, you never know her face might look innocent, she might be very cunning."

"And she will be no exception." They both chuckled and left.

Erica couldn't believe her ears  on what those female workers were gossiping about her, why would she try to seduce the CEO.

"Don't mind any of them they are obsessed with their feelings for their boss." Alicia said noticing Erica's expression.

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