The free ride

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In a car was a man speaking to someone on the path and driving when it started raining, he saw a lady outside the rain.

"I'll call you back." He said to the person he was speaking to over the phone. He stopped his car and lowered the glass of his car only to see a beautiful lady.

"Hey miss would you mind if I drop you?" He said trying to figure out her expression which he found nothing.

Erica looked at her not really wet clothes and nodded and entered his car.

"Thank you." She said to the man and sighed in relief.

'Thank goodness I got a free ride, if not I would have caught a cold ' she thought.

"You are welcome." The man said. "By the way am" Sebastian asked.

" Erica." She said, she didn't feel comfortable with the stranger, she stared at his face which seems to be so innocent and really good looking.

Sebastian stared at her, she was even looking more beautiful than when he met her outside the rain. He chuckled "So where should I drop you?"...........

**Few minutes later**

Sebastian dropped Erica at her apartment and bid her goodbye. Erica entered her apartment and knocked. The door suddenly opened and a middle-aged woman stood behind the door with a worried look.

"Erica I was really worried, why were you late? And why is your cloth wet, don't you know how worried Lily and I were?" Linda asked worriedly.

"Come on Mum." Erica said and walked in and her Mum shut the door behind her.

"Actually Mum I ran out of cash and while I was outside looking for a free ride the rain suddenly started and that's why cloth is wet and thank goodness Mum I got a free ride from a guy." Erica said and sighed in relief.

"And who is this guy?" Linda asked trying to figure out her expression, but found nothing.

"Come on Mum, I don't know him he just offered me a ride that's all."

"I don't have a problem with that, infact I am happy at least you are slowly getting a husband." Linda said with a small smile.

"Mum please stop! I don't want to talk about Marriage." Erica said with a frown and she went into her bedroom feeling bad that her Mum didn't remember why she went out today, about her interview. Her Mum was usually forgetful.

When she got to her room, she saw Lily on her pajamas with a beautiful yellow dress, Lily took notice of her.

"Big sister you are back have a look!" Lily gave Erica that dress and Erica stared at the dress wide-eyed with a smile.

"Wow, it's even more beautiful than I thought." She said and Lily giggled and snatched the dress from her.

"Now tell me did you get the job ?" Lily asked.

Suddenly Linda walked into the room. "Oh I forget to ask you the most important question, did you get the job?" Linda asked.

"Well Mum......I didn...." Erica stuttered. 'let me play with them a little' she thought and chuckled inside.

"What do you mean you didn't? Does it mean you didn't get the job?"

Erica nodded with a fake sad expression "Yes Mum." She said.

Linda sighed heavily, and she looked at Erica's face which was gloomy.

"Erica do not worry you will find a job soon." Linda said.

"Yes sister Mum is right, you will find a job soon, don't worry." Lily quickly added.

"Well I will find a job soon and it has finally arrived." Erica said and her face suddenly lightened up.

"Erica I don't understand." Linda said looking confused.

Erica handed her the sheet which she brought out from her bag.

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