The Interview I

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Jimmy got down from his car and his gaze fell on her ' cute, she's cute ' a small crept on his face, he had never found any girl cute, so then why did he find her cute, he thought.

Erica gazed at him and she couldn't help but stare wide-eyed at him, damn, he was so good looking. She blinked her eyes and tilted her head to stop any thoughts from coming to her head, he was actually driving recklessly I mean his driver, so what if he is good looking that does not change anything.

Erica composed herself.

"Sir can't you drive like a sane person?" Erica said to the man who came out of his car

Jimmy watched as the girl yelled angrily

"Well am sorry ma'am, it wasn't done intentionally." Said Zach.

Erica looked at the man who didn't even felt sorry he just kept on glaring at her, what Erica wanted the most was his apology.

"Don't you have manners? You did this to a person and don't even care to apologise or feel sorry."

"And who are you to question my manners?" Jimmy finally said and that too coldly which made Erica shiver.

No one had that aura which he had, no one had ever spoken to her that way before he was so rude, she needed to teach him a little lesson she thought.

"And so what if your dress is stained, why not just go to a mall and get a new dress and not create a scene over hear." Jimmy said.

Erica blinked her eyes and she chuckled, "Oh really, go to a shopping mall, get a new dress, You are rich Huh?" She chuckled again.

"Now listen, not everyone are in the same position that you are in, and secondly not everyone will waste their money anytime and anywhere they want, now you tell me why should I go to a shopping mall to get a new dress?" Erica said getting irritated by his words.

A smile settled at the corner of his lips and and he chuckled "Why speak about what you want indirectly? Why not make it clear and I will give you." He said and signaled to Zach.

Erica became perplexed, what does he mean by what she wants she doesn't want anything from him just an apology, and knowing how ruthless he was he wouldn't be referring to that.

Zach went into the car and brought out some money and gave it to his boss. Jimmy took the money "All girls are the same what they love most is money ruthless people." Jimmy said and handed over the money to her.

Erica couldn't believe her eyes , he reduced her down to this level, she tilted her headed, how dare he. She collected the money and stared at it and she chuckled.

"You said girls are ruthless, alright then I will Prove Today That Not All Girls Are The Same!!!" Erica said angrily

Jimmy chuckled "Oh really." He said.

Erica was so angry that she threw his money all over him "Thanks a lot but I don't need your damn money." Erica said.

Jimmy stood dumbstruck, no one has ever done that to him and no one would even dare, but this little shameless girl is doing it to him today.

"Anything else? you have to display maybe that way I will be able to land it on your so, so handsome face instead." Erica said playfully with a smile and she chuckled.

" Anyways, I don't have time to waste with ruthless, foolish, idiotic, rude and annoying people, I have an interview today, so am off bye enjoy your day." Erica said finding it fun to tease him she smiled and she left.

Jimmy stood and watch her leave how dare she, who does she think she is that she dared to speak to him that way, he clenched his fist.

Zach who had been standing all this while couldn't believe all what just happened, who had dared to talk to his boss that way, who the hell was that girl that she think she could talk to him that way.

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