He is still a rude person to me

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After reading the paper Linda sighed in relief with her eyes and mouth wide opened.

"Oh my God! You scared me , you are......now a secretary in the NEW SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY!!!"

Lily eyes widened after hearing the news and she hugged her sister "Wow sister this is good news!!!" She said.

"Yes." Erica said and giggled.


After all the happy moments their Mum left the room.

"Erica am yet to hear the gist on how your interview went, so go and freshen up and be fast cause I can't wait." Lily said and chuckled.

"Oh come on silly girl." Erica said and went into the shower with a white towel on her shoulder.


After Erica took a warm shower she slowly opened the door, a white towel was wrapped around her body, her skin was glowing, she walked slowly to her wardrobe and brought out a green pajamas.

After putting on her pajamas she stared at her face in the mirror while admiring her beauty, her hair was still wet because of the warm shower, she looked like a goodess. Her thought drifted to her boss.

' That arrogant man, he is so rude, oh Lord why are you punishing me by making him my boss? I can't believe I have to see him everyday' she sighed helplessly and immediately recalled something.

' oh Alicia said he rarely come to the company. Thank goodness I won't have to see him everyday'

Her thoughts drifted to Jimmy's face and she remembered Alicia's words of him been liked by a lot of girls and been tried to be seduce by the workers, that was indeed worth it, he was an epitome of perfection, he was too good looking to be true.

' Well it really worths it, he is actually good looking as they all said I won't doubt that, but that doesn't mean he should be arrogant '. She thought.

Why she even thinking of him? She wondered. She has seen many handsome guys both the ones at the coffee shop, the one that gave her a free ride and also some guys that stops her while she strolls in the street close to her house, why was it him her mind could think of for long.

"Erica!" Lily who has been watching her for a long time finally said, but no response as Erica was still in her thoughts.

"Erica!!" Still no response.


Erica broke out of her thoughts "Oh!" She stared at her sister.

"Big sis what are you thinking?" Lily asked with a worried look. " Sister what's the problem?"

"Nothing I... I was just thinking about something in the company I got employed in." Erica said and sighed and laid on the bed.

"Okay if that is the case tell me about your interview." Lily said awaiting her sister to speak impatiently.

Erica narrated all that happened while on her way for her interview, how are dress for stained and who her boss was, how arrogant and how cute and cold he was.

"Wow! It's sounds fun and interesting." After hearing the gist Lily said.

"But sister that was also rude in the way you spoke to your boss, to me I think he is nice." Lily said.

"Huh?... So you mean I am the rude one here." Erica said looking disappointed.

"He was such a rude man and not even with a little bit if emotions." Erica said.

"Come on sis, if he was really rude and wicked would he have hired you?" Lily asked.

And Erica stared at her intently and she thought. That was true, after all she said to him and insulted him he still hired her, maybe those workers misunderstood him maybe he wasn't as rude as they say he is.

"What ever I don't care he is still a rude person to me." Erica said shaking off the thought.

The cold CEO : Melting me softlyWhere stories live. Discover now