Are you guys Planning on Killing me

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"Wait what! You didn't made dinner for me? OMG are you planning on killing me?"

Katherine dished out the food and left no food for Julian.

Jimmy ate nonchalantly, and Katherine did the same.

"Hey! Are u guys planning on killing me? I didn't have anything for lunch today, I was really busy with my patients. " Juan said trying to convince them.

" Exactly, I am planning on doing that, cause if I don't do that then I will be giving you the opportunity to do it to me, and I purposely made pasta cause I know that's your favorite." Katherine said with a devilish smile.

Julian glared at his brother who just sat there nonchalantly having his dinner.

Jimmy knew and was used to their unnecessary fights, but he also knows that even though Katherine doesn't let him have his dinner now maybe later.

They both has been his weakness, they were his world. Their parent died when he was 18 years old, he and his siblings broke down at that time, but Jimmy remained strong and that he did for his siblings, he became their shield, he made sure he took care of them so well that he made them not lack anything.

When their parent died they had no one, their Dad's friends and some relatives left them, they didn't care, but their Uncle was the only one who helped them, so they had always seen their Uncle as their Dad, but they didn't know he too was bad or let's say even worst that the others, he wasn't helping them, he was finding a way to get their Dad's money which he did successfully. He left their company almost fallen and he sold their house and vanished with the money to build his won company.

Jimmy did his best to make the company rise again, and he built a new house that made him who he is today.

He built two bungalow in one compound one for him and the other for his two weaknesses; Julian and Katherine.

"Big bro are you just going to watch her starve me to death?" They could hear sounds from his stomach and they both chuckled.

" Then what am I supposed to do? She is right here ask her to give you food."

" But you know how stubborn she is." Julian said agitatedly.

" Then go and make your own dinner then." Jimmy said with a smirk.

"What! I should make my own dinner?" Julian was surprised.

" Yes exactly." Jimmy said still with a smirk.

" And when did I become a chef to cook?" Julian asked with a frown on his face.

"You don't need to become a chef to cook u know." Jimmy said.

" Big bro don't mind him, he is a lazy brat, he does nothing in the house." Katherine said glaring at Julian angrily.

"Hey you liar, you don't even wash your plates after eating, Lisa does all the work here, OMG you are such a liar LAzy brat." Julian said and sighed heavily.

"Please Big bro just tell her to stop this nonsense." Julian said as he held him stomach.

" Oh c'mon just have your dinner before you collapse." Jimmy said as he was getting fed up.

" Katherine just ignore him for today can u please give him his food before the collapse?" Jimmy said.

Katherine sighed and went to get the book where she kept it, and she gave it to Julian angrily with a heavy sigh.

Julian looked at the food with a big smile, he was so hungry. He devoured all the food and gulped a full glass of water and he sighed "Big bro you are the best." Julian said with a smile, and he stared at Katherine who was burning with anger, with a smirk.

"You are lucky Big bro is here , or else you would have slept with an empty stomach." Katherine said staring at him in anger.

"Just accept it am always saved from your evil plans, God is with me and will always look after my well-being, and he won't allow demonic being like you harm me." He said with a chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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