I Think True Love Does Not Exist

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"Sister what about your love life aren't you going to find someone soon, you are getting older." Lily said.

Erica looked at her sister with so much anger "How many times do you want me to tell you that I AM NOT INTERESTED IN LOVE RIGHT NOW don't you get that, I need to focus on my new job now so PLEASE."

"Why are you guys pestering me about love, am not interested, even Mum said same thing earlier." Erica said and sighed heavily.

Lily also sighed " Okay I have heard you, good night." Lily said and yawned, she used her palm to cover her mouth.

"Silly girl." Erica said with her frown slowly turning into a smile. "Am sorry I shouted at you that way, am sorry, it's just that I don't like it when you guys talk about this thing called love, I actually think true love does not exist an....... " She was suddenly cut off by Lily.

"No sister, true love does exist, you just need to come out of this madness of not having time for love, sister you need love or are you planning on staying single all your life? " Lily asked.

"If possible then yes!" Erica said firmly.



"Sister do you know what you are saying? " Lily said with a displeasing look.

"I know exactly what am saying, so please stop pestering me about love." Erica said.

Lily shooked her head "Anyways you don't listen to Mum, how will you listen to me then." " You've made up your mind you don't want love, do whatever you want, live your life, cause tight now I need to sleep." Lily said and laid on the bed.

" Lily you guys don't understand me, if you actually think true love does exist then why is Mum and Dad not together today, why! If they actually have something called true love they won't be able to live without each other, but look the are living separately. "

" Only God knows where Dad is right now. " Erica said with a frown on her face, and the memories of her Dad appeared in her mind.

Lily also sat on the bed after listening to Erica "Dad and Mum got apart because of a misunderstanding don't you get that. " Lily said with a gloomy look.

" And did you know what the misunderstanding was, that separated them? Do you? " Erica asked staring at Lily intently who slowly shook her head in NO.

" No you don't and you expect me to go into a relationship and end...... I'll..... I'll..... I'll end up like.....Mum and Dad." Erica said with tears falling down her cheeks.

" You *sobs* want me to end up like Mum and Dad *sobs* Huh?" She wipes her tears with her palm and looked at her sister whose face was filled with tears.

"Do you know, anytime I remember the memories of Dad it makes me smile and at the same time feel sad as to why he left us *sobs*."

" Dad used to be my favorite and Mum yours, we often play his and seek together and we usually had so much fun often. "

"*sobs* But when Dad left and when I saw Mum cried a lot, I promised myself not to fall in love ever, it was really difficult for Mum to take care of us up to this age *sobs* Mum really suffered and she is still suffering. " Erica said and wiped her tears with her palm.

" And now it is time for me to put an end to her sufferings that's why I will only focus on my job *sobs*" Erica said and stared at Lily whose face was soaked with tears.

" I.....*sobs* I..*sobs* I really miss Dad." It came out as a whisper, from Lily, Erica embraced her.

"Me too *sobs* don't cry okay?" Erica said while caressing her little sister's hair.

They slowly drifted apart and Erica wiped Lily's tears with her palm.

"It's okay." Erica said and also wiped her tears.

"Go to sleep now okay?" Erica said and Lily nodded.

"Good night. "

" Good night. "

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