City Scavenger Hunt

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Poppy and Rose were driving on the highway of Harmonia Falls, California to visit Lownote Jones. Rose sighed in sadness when she read the invitation as she was sitting on the front seat of Poppy's car.

"Rose, are you alright?" Poppy asked her.

"I still have no guy to be with me," Rose answered. "I think I'm better off alone."

"Rose, there are lots of guys out there and one day, you'll meet your right guy," she said.

"I don't know how will I feel when Lownote and I meet face to face again, ever since the world tour music festival." Rose sighed.

Poppy's car drove them to Lownote Jones's house, which is a modern style home with lots of fountains and topiaries. Holly Darlin's car, Guy Diamond's Lamborghini, and the Heeler family's rental car were parked there too.

"Guy? You're here too?" Poppy asked.

"So is the Heeler family," Guy Diamond said.

"G'day everyone!" said Bandit with a smile.

"Hey you twerps," Rose said with a blunt tone.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Bluey joked.

"BLUEY!" Chilli shouted.

"Sorry," Bluey apologized.

"Nah, I have the blues over my single status," Rose groaned.

"It's okay mate, we all have them from time to time," Bandit said.

"No, this is more of a grown-up thing and no guy for me to be with," she huffed.

"Hopefully your prince will show up soon enough," Poppy said.

"What's the point? That doesn't cheer me up," Rose said as she walked to Poppy and stood by her.

"You're Rose and everyone likes you, even inculding them," Poppy said pointing to the Heeler family who waved.

"Thanks, Poppy, but I only get hit on by big oafs!" Rose said.

"What is happenin' y'all?" Holly Darlin asked them.

"We don't know! We just got a letter from Lownote Jones and it says to come to his house," Chilli said.

"Congratulations. You've been randomly selected to partake in the funkiest of funky events: A genuine Lownote Jones Scavenger Hunt!" he announced.

"A scavenger hunt? Well, Lownote, if you're aimin' for fun, I'd say you just shot... a bullseye." Holly Darlin' cheered.

"Thanks for choosing us to be in the scavenger hunt Mr. Jones!" Bluey said.

"Well, all right, but just know, this is no ordinary scavenger hunt. The items on your list can only be found... around the city." Rose said.

"Well, hot dang! I am always sayin' scavenger hunts would be better if not limited to merely our own homes or places, ya'll!" Holly Darlin' cheered.

"Working together, you all will have two hours to get as many items as you can. Which you can see here on the game timer. The harder an item is to find, the more points it's worth! Happy hunting... babies!" Lownote Jones said.

They went to the right places and took a photo of a gem in a museum. Then, they got a starfish magnet from a surf shop. After purchasing some items and getting photos of the items at the places, they got sidetracked in the rose garden.

"Uh, y'all? Is anyone else concerned we're wastin' too much time here in the rose garden?" Holly Darlin' asked.

"Not at all. You know what they say, Holly, sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses." Bandit said as he sniffed the rose then he sneezed.

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