Band Together

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A flashback shows a giant stadium where thousands of spectators are watching the stage at the front.

"Alright, folks! Give it up for the hottest girl band in the world!!" The voice announced.

The spectators all cheered for the band to appear on stage. One of the spectators is Rose, who is a twelve year old adolescent with her black hair tied in braids, a ten year old boy with ginger hair, and beside her are two younger kids, a young boy with pale skin and short blonde hair and a young girl with her short hair in a headband with straight bangs. The kids were all screaming and making applause for the band.

"I give you Little Mix!!!!!" the voice announced.

When the name was announced, the girl group arrived onstage. The young Rose and the little boy were cheering out loud while the little girl was mesmerized by the performance. After the concert, the kids, Celestia, and their parents were exiting the concert at another gate.

"Alright, I'm gonna say it, that was too much glamour!" Rose said.

"Yeah, totally, what do you think of the group, Evelyn?" the boy asked her.

"They're so awesome with their outfits and all of the glitz and glam, It would be amazing if we were the ones on stage performing with lots of razzle and dazzle," the girl, named Evelyn answered.

"What's the point of that? Isn't being the star of our dance group enough?" Rose asked her. 

"Plenty of people already know who we are, Rosita," the boy said. "Right, Martin?"

"Of course Evander," the adolescent, Martin answered. "You're all talented."

"Yeah, and if I have fame, I am not going to work for someone else like some creepy mascot," Rose smirked.

"If I want fame, I wanna get to work with my idol Lady Gaga," Evelyn said. "I just love that when she becomes famous, she will give someone new the chance to be in the spotlight! She's an inspiration."

"Well, she's- something alright. I mean I dunno, was it worth it when we become famous, we get to be recognized, go to parties, and live luxuriously but there would be dangers to avoid like critics, scandals, and creeps?" Rose said.

"So worth it!" Evelyn smirked.

"Rose, do you think I could win if I worked hard? - I think..." the boy paused.

"Don't worry Evander, I think if anyone's gonna be the ones rolling in gold and everything," Martin said as she grabbed the boy, Evander by the head and gave him a noogie.

"Rose, don't you think there's another way to gain talents?" Evelyn asked her.

"Evelyn, we need to work hard in practicing and polishing our talents and skills in singing and dancing," Rose said as she took out a pair of scissors and cut her bangs into straight strands. "We can practice it anytime."

"What if my acts are trash like that bully, Bruno said to me and Evelyn. What if I'm never good enough?" He asked her.

"Hey, hey don't let one bad apple get to you, 'kay? You're- you are plenty good enough," Rose advised him after she cut her hair and put back the scissors in her bag.

"But we have to be perfect, right?" Evelyn asked her with an angry look.

"Do you think perfection is enough?" Rose asked back, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, that's what pop stars do," she said sassily.

"We'll just have to keep practicing, and someday, maybe, we'll be good enough for the world of the famous," Rose advised her as they left the concert grounds. Just then, a shadowy figure with messy black hair noticed a clump of hair that Rose left on the ground after she cut her bangs.

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