Baby Blues

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On March 10, the Snack Pack is at the Pop Diner, having lunch. Unfortunately, Guy Diamond felt a little queasy and went to the male bathroom, however, it was a single bathroom with one toilet and someone was using it. Once the person got out, Guy Diamond ran into the bathroom.

"Guy, are you okay?" Rose asked him.

Rose's answer was only a moan from Guy Diamond.

"Guy?" Poppy asked.

"He's been like this since he reached the ninth month of his pregnancy," Branch said.

A few hours later, Guy Diamond was still in the restroom while there was a line of guys wanting to use the restroom.

"He is taking a long time in there," Smidge said.

"Oh yeah, you think?!" Branch said with his legs crossed.

"I don't think I can hold it any longer," Biggie said with his legs crossed.

"Do what I do when there is someone in the single restroom, Do it outside," Cooper said.

"I don't think it's a good idea, let's bring him to his family home, I'll text Mrs. Maheswaran to get him," Rose said.

She texted the Maheswarans to come and get him. For days, Guy Diamond was with his parents and sisters, and the Snack Pack would visit him.

"How was he?" Rose asked Mr. Maheswaran.

"He's alright, he's not going around the city," he answered.

"We got some supplies for the baby," Poppy said.

"Thank you," Mrs. Maheswaran thanked her. "He would be so happy that you got the supplies for the baby,"

"Maybe we should check on him," Rose suggested.

They entered the room, where Guy Diamond was lying while touching his nine-month-old belly.

"How are you doing, Guy?" Rose asked him as she brought food to his bed.

"I'm doing alright since I'm not allowed to move around unless I go to the toilet," he sighed.

"Guy, it's alright, we'll handle everything," Poppy said.

"Don't worry about me, I will be alright," he winced in pain.

"You need to be in bed to make sure the baby is okay," Rose said.

"Okay," Guy Diamond agreed.

They visited Guy for several days to see if he was okay. Lownote Jones and R and B would take turns checking his temperature, and the others would bring gifts for the soon-to-be-born baby. This went on until it was nighttime on March 19.

"Ugh, I need to go to the bathroom," Guy said as he walked to the bathroom to do his business.

The Snack Pack knocked at his room but no sound was heard.

"Guy, is everything alright in there?" Poppy asked.

In a minute, Guy Diamond let out a scream in agony.

"Guy, what's wrong?" Poppy asked.

"TINY'S COMING!" Guy Diamond shouted.

Soon a thud was heard and Cooper was lying on the ground like a toy doll.

"Cooper? What are you doing?" Rose asked.

"He is doing the "Andy's coming" challenge that he saw online," Poppy answered.

"But he didn't say Andy's coming, Eh, Cooper being Cooper," Jussy shrugged.


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