Sister Act

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In her room, Bingo is drawing something with the paints. Suddenly, a bunch of tin cans knocked the paints onto the floor.

"Bluey!" Bingo said in annoyance.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just trying to get organized for the town recycling challenge," Bluey apologized.

Bluey shows Bingo the flyer.

"First place gets free ice cream at the ice cream parlor." Bluey explained.

"Kids! Dinner's ready, make a dash, dishin' out, shrimp." Bandit called out from downstairs.

"Oh yeah, shrimp!" Bluey cheered.

Bingo retches, as she was putting the paints away but trips and accidentally knocks over the bag of cans.

"Whoops, sorry Bluey." Bingo apologized and picked up the can.

"No worries," Bluey said taking the can and getting orange paint on her paws.

"Ah, all this orange paint on my paws and now I look like you." Bluey said.

"You do look like me, which you know, bonus for you." Bingo giggled.

"Wait a minute, Bluey, that gives me a brilliant idea." Bingo said getting an idea.

Later, everyone except Bingo is in the dining room, Bluey finishes and takes out a rating card.

"Okay, shrimp, let's see; A+ for presentation, A+++ for smell, and A++ for texture, delicate, but chinky." Bluey said.

"Wow, thanks kiddo." Bandit said.

"Gee, I can't imagine what's keeping Bingo, let me go check." Bluey said.

Bluey runs upstairs to their room and runs behind Bingo's screen, Bingo joins her with one of her shirts, shorts and her beaded bracelet. Bluey runs back downstairs dressed as Bingo.

"How was your day sweetie?" Chilli asked.

"Oh, um, you know, uh, school, and uh, bugs, and um, Lila, probably." Bluey stammered.

"Just another day in the life of Bingo." Bandit said.

Bandit gives her the shrimp.

"Here you go." Bandit said.

Bluey excitedly ate the shrimp with her paws and shoves the plate in her face, but then remembers that she's supposed to be Bingo, and proceeds to eat with a fork and uses a napkin.

"Wow, a clean plate. Are you feeling okay?" Bandit asked.

"Oh, um, uh, never better." Bluey stammered.

Back in their room, Bluey takes off Bingo's outfit and hands back Bingo's beaded bracelet.

"Bingo, that worked awesome, no one suspected anything." Bluey said.

"Well, if I can ever return the favor, just let me-" Bingo said.

"Bluey, Bingo it's bath night. I'll be inspecting fingernails, and ears." Chilli called out.

"It's favor time." Bluey smirked.

Later, Chilli is waiting outside the bathroom.

"Nail inspection, Bingo, come on out." Chilli said.

Bingo comes out and shows Chilli her nails.

"Good job. Go tell Bluey it's her turn please." Chilli said.

"Of course, Mumma." Bingo nodded.

Bingo goes to their room and goes behind the screen, Bluey joins her with one of her shirts, overalls and her beaded bracelet. Bingo runs to the door dressed as Bluey as Bingo goes to the bathroom.

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