Muffin Unboxing

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The Snack Pack were getting ready for another tour as Tiny Diamond came into the room.

"I have a video to show you," Tiny Diamond's radio cheered.

"What is going on Tiny?" Poppy asked.

"Muffin made a video!" Tiny Diamond's radio cheered.

"Muffin made a video?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, apparently she saw my unboxing of the puppy selfcare package and wanted to try it for herself," Tiny Diamond's radio explained.

"And?" Rose asked.

"I agreed and my daddy and her daddy agreed as well," Tiny Diamond's radio confessed.

The title pops on the screen saying Muffin's toys.

"This is not gonna end well," Branch sighed.

"Okay go!" Stripe said off screen.

"Hi everybody, I'm Muffin, welcome to my unboxing video, Uh dad I have to go to the toilet," Muffin said leaving to go use the restroom.

"Ugh, Muff..." Stripe groaned off screen as it cut to the next scene.

"See, what did I tell you," Branch said.

"It's just starting, don't judge on a video if you haven't seen it," Poppy said.

"Welcome to my unboxing video, today we are going to open this dump truck," Muffin said.

A dump truck in a box appeared out of thin air.

"Dad, I don't want a dump truck, I want Cat Squad kitty island," Muffin protested.

"Muffin this is the one they sent us okay, just say the line," Stripe said off screen.


"Well technically it is Tiny's for his unboxing channel, You are just borrowing it," Guy Diamond said off screen as it cut to the next scene.

"Okay, I'll open this bit," Muffin said

Muffin tries to open it but it is not budging.

"It's stuck!" Muffin shouted as she tried to pull open but she fell down in the process.

The next scene changes to Muffin banging the toy on the table.

"Careful!" Guy Diamond shouted off screen.

The scene changes again to Stripe trying to open the toy dump truck.

"COME ON!" Stripe shouted as he started banging the toy on the table.

"I told you," Muffin said.

"Like father like daughter," Guy Diamond joked off screen.

"That's not funny," Stripe groaned.

"Yeah I can totally see it," Tiny Diamond's radio said off screen.

The scene changes once more to Trixie trying to unbox the dump truck.

"They did a number on this thing," Trixie said.

The scene changes to the dump truck out of the box.

"This is a dump truck," Muffin said.

"Push the button," Stripe suggested off screen.

"Ugh, you push this button and it do this," Muffin said.

Muffin pushed the button but nothing happened.

"Push it harder," Stripe suggested off screen.

Muffin pushed the button again but nothing happened.

"It's not working," Muffin said.

"Push it properly," Stripe suggested off screen.

"I AM!" Muffin shouted pounding on the table knocking the toy on the ground.

The scene changes to Stripe putting in the batteries.

"You have to remember to put in batteries first," Muffin said.

The sound of the toy is heard off screen. 

"Aw thank..." Stripe sighed.

The scene changes to Muffin pressing the button and the dump trailer goes up.

"Oh that's pretty cool," Muffin said.

"Maybe I should put some rocks in the back," Muffin suggested.

Stripe pushes out a jar full of jelly beans as Muffin immediately gets on the table and starts eating the jelly beans.

"Woah nelly!" Guy Diamond shouted off screen.

"Muffin no! It's for our video!" Stripe shouted and started a tug-a-war with Muffin for the jar.

"It's mine!" Muffin shouted.

The scene changes Muffin pouting and Socks and Tiny Diamond are on screen.

"There you are Tiny!" Poppy cheered pointing at the screen.

"This is a dump truck, it is the worst toy ever, I hate it," Muffin grumbled.

"Socks have it?" Socks asked.

"NO! It's MINE!" Muffin screamed.

"It's actually mine Muffin, and yes Socks you can have it, I'll get a new one anyway," Tiny Diamond's radio said.

"Yay!" Socks cheered.

The scene changes to a thanks for watching screen and another video suggesting the channel.

The Snack Pack minus Rose looked shocked by what they witnessed.

"Oh," Poppy said in shock.

"Now you want to take back what you said earlier?" Branch said.

"Umm..." Poppy stammered.

"Let's see what the comments say," Cooper suggested.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Rose sighed.

They started reading comments on Muffin's video.

"Like father like daughter," Biggie read one of the comments.

"That's my comment," Tiny Diamond's radio piped in.

"I typed it in for him," Guy Diamond said. 

"LOL," Smidge read one of the comments.

"Hey that's my wife, Wonder where she ran off to?" Jussy read one of the comments.

"Muffin's married!" Cooper gasped.

"No Muffin is not married, it seems the brat prince from Egypt who wanted to marry Muffin has a YouTube channel," Rose said, seeing an icon of the prince.

"Only at six years old?" Viva asked.

"Well Muffin's five years old and she has one," Poppy said.

The kept reading the comments as Poppy looked at Branch sighing in defeat.

"Umm... your right Branch it didn't end well," Poppy said.

"Told ya," Branch said.

"I think it's best that Tiny can continue do the unboxing videos on his channel and Muffin only likes and comments on videos on her channel," Rose said.

"Your right I'll text Stripe about the suggestion," Guy Diamond nodded.

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