Once Bitten

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"What a sun-tastic day in Australia!" Barb said getting out of her rental home.

Barb slips on Socks' dog drool trail.

"Dog drool," Barb growled.

Socks is walking around dragging her penguin plush in her mouth which is covered in drool as she goes inside Stripe and Trixie's house. Socks looks through a window as Barb mops up the trail.

"That family needs to keep their unclean baby out of my yard, I am sick of cleaning up after her," Barb growled.

Barb discovers Socks leaving trail dragging her penguin plush covered in drool all over her dad's guitar collection.

"Not my dad's guitar collection," Barb said.

Barb growls, turns red in anger and starts jumping up and down angrily.

"That's it! This isn't the first time you've soiled my yard with your revolting excretions, But mark this down in your little notebook: it will be the last time!" Barb shouted.

The scene transitions to Barb furiously putting up a force field of wood all around her house. Suddenly, she winces in pain from a wood splinter she sustained.

"This cheap, splintering wood will keep even a baby out," Barb said.

The scene transitions to Barb relaxing outside with wood fencing surrounding her.

"Now, I feel safe," Barb sighed.

Barb noticed Socks jumping on the wood splinter carrying the plush in her mouth covering Barb in her drool.

"Heelers!" Barb shouted.

"G'day, Barb," Stripe smiled.

"Don't you G'day me, Keep your baby vermin off of my property! The next time I see my annoyingly unclean neighbor mutt who lets your fleabag baby on my lawn, you leave me no choice but to call Animal Control or Child Protective Service,"  Barb threatened.

"That little monster..." Barb continued.

Socks angrily bites Barb's butt, causing her to stutter.

"She bit me!" Barb screamed in pain.

"Socks!" Trixie shouted.

Trixie pulled Socks away chewing on a piece of Barb's shorts.

"No, dirty girl, This isn't like you," Trixie said.

"Oh, but it's just like you, mutt parents, to raise such a misbehaved fleabag baby," Barb said.

"Socks is not misbehaved!" Stripe protested.

Socks growls viciously.

"But there does appear to be something wrong with her," Stripe said.

The Heeler family heard the commotion and raced outside.

"What happened?" Chilli asked.

"Socks bit Barby," Muffin said as Barb gave a glare towards Muffin.

"I hate unclean mutts, I hope she had her shots," she complained.

"Oh, of course. All of us had," Stripe said.

"All of her shots?" Barb asked.

"Affirmatory," Stripe nodded.

"For rabies?" Barb asked.

"Yup," Stripe nodded.

"Chicken pox?" Barb asked.

"Yup," Stripe nodded.

"Bronchitis, parasites, deworming?" Barb asked.

"Yup, yup, yup," Stripe nodded.

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