Poppy's Vlog: Poppy's Scrapbook Stories; Can't Stop the Laughter

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Poppy set up her camera and started recording her video.

"Hey there, I'm Poppy. And I am here to tell you a story the best way I know, in scrapbook form!" Poppy said.

"If you are new to the channel, hit that subscribe button and click the bell icon to be notified when I upload a new video. I also have social media accounts, you can follow me on there as well. Now let's get the story started!" Poppy said.

Poppy opens up her scrapbook and the scene changes to a scrapbook version of the story that Poppy is ready to tell to her viewers.

"Nobody takes their music more seriously than Dante Crescendo and the classical people. So whenever you attended a classical performance, it's of the utmost importance to remain respectful and quiet," Poppy narrated.

The scene shows Dante Crescendo leading an orchestra and tapping his baton.

"Which was exactly I was I doing but somehow, completely out of the blue, something popped into my head. I couldn't help myself, but at that very moment I remembered the super funniest thing that happened at Popstar Camp last week," Poppy narrated.

The scene changes to a scrapbook version of Popstar camp and  a scrapbook versions of Bluey, Bingo, Muffin and Socks were on a stage.

"Bluey, Bingo, Muffin and Socks were performing a song which is basically a silly kid song that is originated from Australia and it went something like this," Poppy narrated.


Willaby wallaby woo

An elephant sat on you

Willaby wallaby we

An elephant sat on me

"Instead of repeating the same lyrics over and over, Bluey Bingo and Muffin replaced the woo and we's with their names," Poppy narrated.


Willaby wallaby Wluey

An elephant sat on Bluey

Willaby wallaby Wingo

An elephant sat on Bingo

Willaby wallaby Wuffin

An elephant sat on Muffin

Willaby wallaby Wocks

An elephant sat on Socks

"It got even better and sillier too. After they did that, they listed the names of all the campers and camp councilors. What sent me over the edge with laughter is that Cooper was one of the camp councilors at the time and when they got to his name a funny image popped into my head," Poppy narrated.


Willaby wallaby Wooper

An elephant sat on Cooper

A thought bubble was shown of Cooper being sat on by an elephant.

"Ever since that, I cannot stop laughing or even look at Cooper because the image of an elephant sitting on Cooper would pop into my head. Even when he is not around I start laughing even harder," Poppy narrated.

The scrapbook version of Poppy started to laugh.

"I quickly tried to put the image out of my mind. I tried to stay focus on Dante, but I started to imagine Dante being at Popstar camp and Bluey, Bingo and Muffin singing the song," Poppy narrated.


Willaby wallaby Wante

An elephant sat on Dante

"That did it, instead of Cooper being sat on by an elephant, the image changed to Dante being sat on by an elephant," Poppy narrated.

A thought bubble was shown of Dante Crescendo being sat on by an elephant.

"It wasn't working, I tried to think about something that wasn't funny, like watching paint dry. But the elephant and Cooper just kept finding their way back into my head. They were all I could think about and then I just couldn't hold back any longer," Poppy narrated.

The scrapbook version of Poppy started losing it with laughter as everyone stopped and looked at her.

"The whole orchestra stopped playing, all eyes were on me. I couldn't have been more embarrassed, I immediately stop laughing and started to panic when I saw Dante Crescendo was coming over to me. I couldn't imagine how offended and angry Dante must be, I had completely ruined his opera. I was about to apologize, but then Dante said," Poppy narrated.

"Thank you." The scrapbook version of Dante said.

"I was very confused, that's when Dante explained this to me," Poppy narrated.

"My opera was a comedy and I was thrilled that somebody finally laughed at my show because it was supposed to be funny," The scrapbook version of Dante explained.

"Dante resumed the opera, and from that point on everyone in the audience laughed throughout the performance. But the thing that got the biggest laugh of the night was the flute solo at the end of the show," Poppy narrated.

The scene changes back to normal.

"Well that's the end of the story, and I will see you next time on Poppy's Scrapbook Stories!" Poppy said as she closed her scrapbook.

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