To Hug a Snug-a-lug

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Lownote Jones woke up in his manor with his pet dog in a cage beside him.

"Mornin' little one," Lownote said. "Might have presumed you're keepin' it funky?"

His pet made a cute face and the laugh sounds like a baby that lured Lownote but he resisted it.

"Hey, c'mon now, Snug-a-lug, you know I like to hug you more than anything in the multiverse," he said. "But alas, the best thing we can do is this,"

They put their hands on the glass and sighed, until an alarm was heard. Lownote knew why the alarm was sounding near him.

"Dr. Ravenhug!" he growled.

He used a GPS to track Dr. Ravenhug down.

"What in the atomic radius is he doing in Harmonia Falls?" Lownote asked to himself.

Soon Lownote, Poppy, Rose, Branch and Holly Darlin' arrived in the park.

"Look at that, the Heeler family are having a sale here in the Harmonia Falls' Annual Bazaar," Lownote said to his dog.

A bazaar was being held and lots of stalls were set up everywhere.

"Snug-a-lug shirts, if you purchase one of our items you get a snug-a-lug shirt for free, All the money goes to a great cause," Mackenzie said in a megaphone. He is a Border Collie wearing a teal shirt and jean shorts and brown work boots.

"What are you doing?" Holly Darlin' asked.

"We are having a garage sale since today is the neighborhood's annual garage sale day and Mackenzie is helping us out,"  Bluey answered.

"The money we make will go to a great cause," Bingo said

"Is that why you borrowed my dog?" asked Lownote.

"Yes. Don't worry, no one were harmed in making the shirt. It was good sport by staying still while I drew the concept of the shirt," Bandit nodded.

Soon a figure appears looking at the shirts and having an evil grin on his face. He is a man with dark skin. He has dark blue hair and a matching goatee beard. He is missing his left eye and wears an eyepatch. A black shirt, pants, and platform boots with a dark green cape and a tech remote on his neck completed the look.

"Hey everyone, stand back, he's coming!" he said.

"Who's he?" Bluey asked.

"Well, well, Lownote Jones, you look supremely cool these days, old friend!" Dr. Ravenhug said.

"He looks almost like Nick Fury from the Avengers movies," Mackenzie said.

"They do look alike," Chilli agreed.

"Why would someone like him come to a park bazaar anyway like this one?" Bandit asked.

"Maybe he is a junk hoarder," Bluey said.

"You're not wrong, there are people who do that," Branch nodded.

"I hate that guy," Rose spat.

"I won't let you do it, Groovetatius, you're meddling with the power you can't possibly understand," Lownote said.

Soon Lownote Jones and Dr. Ravenhug started battling each other with their basses. Bluey noticed something about Dr. Ravenhug.

"He is a lefty, just like dad," Bluey gasped.

"And me," Bingo piped in.

"You're right! Look at the way he is holding the bass compared to Lownote," Chilli said.

"Can we take this "battle" somewhere else than here?" Bingo suggested as she got in between them.

"This isn't your fight, runt," Dr. Ravenhug spatted as Bandit grabbed him by his wrist.

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