Chapter One

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Dakotas pov

You'd think being the daughter of the emperor, life would be easy because well everything is served to you on a silver platter or in my case a gold one. But that's not the case with me I mean my Ma's amazing and easy going but my Mom on the other hand is great but strict which makes them the power couple of the century. Only problem is I have to work and do most chores by myself like what's the point of having maids if you can't use them.

You know what's worse than chores school I hate school it's boring and a waste of time but my Mom insisted I get an education outside the castle and to make matters worse no one knows I'm the daughter of the most feared Empress alive though the world thinks Ma is male 🙄 and because of that people think they can come at me however they please but I had to put them in there place so I'm the most popular and feared kid in school unlike Dylan I love the spot light.

"Dakota are you paying attention" the teacher asks and I nod my head yes with a bored look on my face

"okay then by all means help us solve the equation that I was just explaining" is she stupid or something if I wanted to solve equations I would have raised my hand

"sorry miss but if I wanted to solve the equation my hand would be up now please continue" I say then face my book where said equation is already solved plus she's made so many errors on the board, that's the problem with the copy and paste method of teaching.

"you either solve the equation or head to the principals office and attend detention after school because of your disrespectful behavior young lady" she says I think I just saw her eye twitch. I role my eyes then get up and take the marker from the short woman, then head to the board, normally I wouldn't mind detention but Mom said if I get in trouble one more time she'll fly me off to a boarding school abroad and honestly I don't want that. I solve the equation and draw a hand with the middle finger sticking out when I'm finished, making the whole class laugh at my amazing art skills then I head back to my seat and smile at the short woman who's face is so read she might explode

"principals office NOW!!" she yells making me laugh as I collect my staff and walk towards the door but before I exit I speak my mind "you know as an educator you really need to learn how to control your anger, oh and I had to correct the entire equation before solving it you should really work on that it's not the first time I'm telling you this" I blow her a kiss then walk out the door and head directly to the principals office this should be fun.

When I reach the office I'm faced with the secretary "really Dakota on the first day of school" she chuckles and shake's her head "it wasn't my fault I didn't raise my hand and yet she still told me to solve an equation how stupid can she be" I say then roll my eyes with a smirk on my face "whatever you say Dakota you can take a seat I'll go see if they're free" she says then heads into the office, our principal is homosexual she goes by they/them pronouns and they're fine as hell I wouldn't mind going down on them.

"Dakota again? and on the first day for that matter" my annoying twin says with a disappointed sigh

"Hey Dylan perfect timing do you mind taking my place while I ditch for a bit? thanks love you bestie" I walk away from her while saying those words "Dakota get back here I have class in twenty minutes!!!" my frustrated bestie says "it only takes ten minutes to talk to them so you have plenty of time!!" I yell back with a wide grin on my face I know she won't let me get into even more trouble she's that match of a goodie toshoes.

Dylan's pov

Dakota really gets on my nerves sometimes, I'm currently in the principals office apologizing for disrespecting a teacher and to make matters even worse she literally drew the middle finger on the board after talking to the teacher like she's not her superior, how do I know all this she linked me telling me everything that happened so I can "work my magic" as she would say I alt to let her get in trouble with mom and ma maybe then she'll learn how to be responsible

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