Chapter Fifteen

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Trigger warning ⚠️ I don't know weather to keep calling it rape but rape⚠️

Maya's pov

Well I didn't go to school yesterday but I'm heading there today and I'm more than excited my parents insisted on homeschooling me but I'm bored and I wanna talk to people and make actual friends it might be a mission but I'm not going to let that stop me from finding my mate and having a social life.

I'm currently getting dressed so I can leave for school and not be late. First impressions are always the best. I can be late mid school year. I'm wearing a plaid skirt, a cute cropped top to match and some boots to match my top. I look just stunning I decide on wearing my hair down then I add the finishing touches to my fit before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast which I decided to carry and take on the road as I head to the school. I turned on the radio and play life after you by Daughtry on loud while I sing along.

It's currently 6:15 am and I'm 15 minutes away, class starts at 7 let's see if I can get a 30 minute tour I am a vampire after all, I think to myself as I park my car and head into the school building. The moment I step into the building an amazing smell hits me and I want to know exactly what it is so I walk further and follow the smell only to turn a corner and come face to face with this really gorgeous girl oh lord save me now

"Mate" we say in sync as we lock eyes. Fuck this soon I'm so nervous and she's so fine goddess why

"Hey there my little mate would you like a tour of this hell hole or would you like to get to know me choose wisely now" she says in a seductive tone that makes my body heat up

"Uh how about both" I suggest

"You're no fun" she says "how fast can you move we have 20 minutes before class" she says

"I'm a vampire speeds not an issue" I respond

"Great I'm a vampire too so try to keep up watch your step and you better have the same class I have for first period" she winks then takes off running and I follow close behind her as she introduces herself and tells me the names of the important places in school.

Dakota's pov

"Koda baby get down here please!!" Jade yells from down stairs


"Your parents are here and I need to know why you lied to me about telling them that you where here!!!" She yells but not in a mad tone


"Dakota Neveah Rhiannon Jayson Valencia get done here now!!!" My Mom yells out my full government name making me cringe and run down the stairs

"I'm here I'm here no need to call out my full name" I say then give Ma a hug then kiss Mom on the cheek before giving my baby a good morning kiss "yes my dearly adored parents to what do my mate and I owe the pleasure?" I say knowing damn well it's gonna piss Mom off but make Ma laugh then both of us will be in trouble. And right on que Ma bursts out laughing while Mom looks at me with the you're so grounded look and I don't know why, it's not like I went missing they knew exactly where to find me I'm with my dear mate so why am I in trouble.

"Dakota you're grounded for two weeks and Jade you're not allowed to be sexually intimate with her you can however step outside and I'll be with you shortly" she tells my mate right after grounding me

"Yes Ma'am" Jade says and exits her own house

"And as for you" she grabs Ma by the ear "I'll personally deal with you after this go stand with Jade" she says then let's go of Ma's ear

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