Chapter Six

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Dylan's pov

It's the first day at our new school and I could barely get any sleep because I'm beyond excited I met my mates, fuck that's amazing oh and I grew a couple inches which will hurt Koda's ego but she needs a little humbling every once in a while. I get dressed into some high waisted buggy black jeans a white spots bra and a tight cropped white tank top. For shoes I went casual and wore my black and white Nike high tops. I combed my hair out and tied it into a high bun then headed down stairs for some breakfast before heading to school.

The moment I arrive down stairs it's chaos Koda is asleep on the couch and there's snacks everywhere not to mention the bottles of soda littering the ground. Living with Koda in a house without parents is about to be frustrating.

"Dakota wake up!!" I yell and she jumped up so fast it scared me

"What...where....who...why" she says while breathing heavily

"Go take a shower and get ready for school you don't want to be late on the first day I'm sure Jade is an early bird" I say knowing she hates competition

"No she's not better than me at shit no one is!!" She growls and dashes upstairs while Amoux comes into view

"Wow what happened?" She asks


"That checks" she says then walks to the kitchen

"I'll talk to Ma and see if she can get someone to clean the house before we come back here" I tell her and she nods her head

"Mouxy you look worried why's that?"... "because apparently my mate is the middle school bully and he's an asshole I don't wanna end up with someone who cares about nothing but themselves" she finishes with a sad sigh

"Mouxy I need you to promise me that mate or not you will tell me or Koda if he swings at you wrong or even pressures you into something you know you don't want I can sense a lot but I'll be a whole building away from you so please promise me you'll link me immediately something you're not comfortable with happens"

"I promise" she says then hugs me tightly and I do the same

"Did you get taller or am I just short?" She asks

"I grew" I say

"Ooh what's your wolf like" she says so excitedly

"Her name's Vixen she's adorably shy but that's okay and she's so funny I'm blessed to have her she's calm and collected complete opposite of Kai it's amazing"

"Who's kai's opposite" Dakota says looking me directly in the eyes why are we the same height that shouldn't be the case.

"Oh the extra inches shocking " she says then gets yogurt out the fridge and starts eating

"Is that your breakfast?"

"Mhmm" she hums while nodding her head

"Amoux you are not eating a cup of yogurt for breakfast!" I exclaim

"What isn't she allowed to eat for breakfast I want some" and the other child arrives

"Y'all can't have yogurt for breakfast. Im driving both of you to school and we'll get something to eat on the way" I say without any space for argument

"So I can't have yogurt?" Koda asks with a pout

"You can but you're eating something after"

"Are you buying said food" she asks with an annoying smirk

"Yes yes I am now get your asses to my car" I say while holding the door open. They both laugh and walk past me and get into the car

The drive to school was peaceful Koda was making her game plan and eating the food I got her, Amoux was listening to music on her phone while eating and playing a game on the cars tv screen and I was driving while trying to eat since Koda forgot she's the one in charge of feeding me while I drive. A few minutes later and we arrive at the school and I park my car in the student lot then we all got out Koda and I walked Amoux to her building before heading to ours.

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