Chapter Seven

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Kade's pov

"Jade let's go you have a race" my father says "race?" I think to myself

"I have school in a few hours, can't you reschedule. I have a te-" then I heard a loud clap but it wasn't a clap "did he just hit her?" I whisper the question to myself "you're doing the race and that's that now get dressed and let's go" my father says after a few seconds of silence I hear footsteps. I slowly and quietly open my bedroom door then quietly step out and tiptoe across the hall to my twins room.

Jade's pov

He hit me I mean I'm used to it but in front of Kade's door that was uncalled for I really hope she didn't feel bad about chasing me out of the room because that would be chaotic.

Suddenly my door Flies open making me quickly turn around

"He fucking hit you and you let him!" My beloved twin yells

"Who hit me?" I play dumb

"Play dumb with me one more time Jade I dear you." She says while staring me down

Do I test her or do I value living enough to just tell her? I think to myself then it clicks i need to go, fuck he'll do worse if I'm late. With that realization I grabbed my bag and sped out the door like my life depended on it which it does, as I sprint I hear Kade calling me and telling me to stop but I can't it's for her own good.

"I'LL TRY AND BE HONEST WHEN I GET BACK!!" I yell as I get to the bottom of the staircase and dash to the front door. I look at the time as I start the car's engine it reads 11:30pm "I'm screwed not only that but Kade knows now and that's not good at all" I say to no one in particular as I pull out the driveway and speed to the track where my father is probably waiting impatiently though the race starts at 12:30am he expects me to be there an hour thirty minutes before the actual event starts and I don't know why.

I pull into the parking space reserved for me and grab my stuff from the back seat then take a few deep breath's before walking into the building. As I approach the room where my sperm donor is my feet stop by themselves and I get an uneasy chill down my spine. I hate when this happens it's never anything good, so I'm guessing dad's mad mad and I'm about to get another scar before I race or something bad is going to happen during the race and I'll live with the pain of being the cause of someone's death or server injuries I hope it's the first. I take a deep breath and grab the door handle then push the door open.

I'm instantly slammed into a wall before I can even fully step into the room "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!" My sperm donor yells while gripping my neck firmly, now there's no doubt I got my height and intimidating demeanor from this sorry excuse for a father because if I didn't know this man I'd be cowering under his gaze.

"Sorry please I need to breathe" I manage to say with the little breath I'm left with, you'd think as my sperm donor who claims to be my father he'd have even an ounce of remorse or even feel bad that I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open and breathing because of how tightly he's gripping my neck but does he care? No because he just tightened his grip and gives me a death stare at this point I wouldn't be surprised if my face was purple. I use my right arm and tap the hand holding my neck practically begging for air

"Next time I'll let you pass out" he says then throws me to the floor, I greedily inhale and try to get as much air into my lungs as possible while coughing hard. "Get up, suit up and let's head to the starting line" he commands and I roll my eyes but do as told "don't roll your eyes at me or I'll give you plenty reasons to roll them" he says this in a deep voice while grabbing my face and squeezing my cheeks.

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