Chapter Nine

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Dakota's pov

So I think I went to far when I put the itching powder in her gym shorts because she's mad mad and regardless of how hot she looks right now she's terrifying

"You pored water on me I let it slide you gave me a wadgey I didn't say a thing, you but fucking confetti cannon's in my locker I didn't react, you pored paint on me I let you off, you took my food and threw it all over me I didn't do anything to you except roll my eyes and go get cleaned up, and now you put itching powder in my gym shorts and for what for me to tell you that I'm fucking abused at home? Are you happy now that you know?" She says and ask's so calmly it's scary

"Ah I'm sorry I guess I went to far" I apologize hoping she'll back down but no this girl is still stalking close to me. I do the best thing I could think of I run as fast as I can. I can here her chasing me

"You either stop and turn yourself in or you keep running and when I catch you it won't be so easy to get away pick your poison!!" She shouts while chasing me

"I'll take my chances and keep running thank you very much!!!" I say loud enough for her to hear

"Bet" I hear her say but she didn't yell it it's like she said it directly in my ear. I look to the side and she's not there I look behind me and she's gone I smile thinking I lost her, I face the front and my smirk drops as I run directly into her arms

"Gotcha princess now what do you have to say for yourself" she whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine

"Don't call me princess!!" I yell and push her off me then run into the bathroom.

"Real smart of you Dakota" she smirks "trapped now are we" she teases

Jades pov

"Real smart of you Dakota" I say with a smirk "trapped now are we?" I tease as she slowly moves back

"Jade stop this isn't funny anymore" she says trying to be so serious

"Oh but when you decided to do all those things to me it was  hilarious right?" I ask then walk closer to her

"Jade please I'm begging you stop this it was a harmless joke" she said as she backed away from me "well I'm about to show you just how harmless I can be" I said as her back hit the wall and I trapped her by placing my hands on either side of her head, time to show this brat a thing or two about respect. I look down at her and bring her head up so her eyes lock with mine, I lean in close so close that you can feel her breath brash against my lips if either of us moves any farther our lips will touch.

"Now how about you be a good little girl and be quiet while I punish you"

"If you so much as touch me without my consent my Mom's will have your head!" She hisses. She's so full of herself it's charming

"Consent?" I ask in a husked tone, all she does is stair at me and that tells me I've got her pinned "don't make me ask again I hate repeating myself beautiful" I say as I brush my lips against hers "answers me gorgeous" I whisper and she whimpers

"" she stutter's out

"Good now be quiet" I say then smash our lips together and waste no time on massaging her clit as I move from her lips to her neck "fuck you're so wet" I whisper into her neck and she moans lowly but bites her lip so I do the most logical thing I stick a finger inside her and bite down on her neck as I work my finger inside her causing her to let go of her lip and moan.

"Shit you feel so good don't stop please" she moans out

"Oh baby the only time I'm stopping is when your walls become tighter than this" I say then add another finger and move faster as my free hand massage's her boob

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