Chapter Four

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Dylan's pov

You know sometimes I wish Dakota would keep her mouth shut but no she has to be so caring it's suffocating now the principal was fired the kids where arrested and we're going to study abroad at some school our cousin Lyra attends and it's so annoying I don't like new environments and now I have to go to a whole new country just because my Ma thinks it's more safe and to top it off Amoux is coming with us which means I'm her babysitter and that's just great!

"You look pissed" speak of the devil

"Shut the heck up why would you do that" I ask the overly joyful person that just walked in

"Do what protect you? Because you're my sister and my best friend I will never sit back and watch you go through shit even if you hate me for it" she says making me relax and smile I guess I was overreacting

"I'm sorry I just hate new places"

"That's fine I already know that. I don't like them either but when Ma's like this there's no stopping her" very true, mom said ever since we where born Ma became over protective and now kills anyone who even thinks of looking at us wrong sadly that's not a lie I've seen her do it.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I turned it off then made my bed and headed for the shower so I can prepare for my flight to school.

After my shower I got dressed into buggy white sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt to match, then I put on some white socks and all white Nike Air force to complete the look. After I was done dressing up I braided two large braids then headed down stairs for some breakfast and surprisingly Dakota was here before me.

"Shocking I know" Dakota says looking exhausted

"Hey Koda did you get any sleep last night" I ask my twin who looked just about ready to go back to bed

"No. I don't wanna talk about it so drop it!" She exclaims so I drop it and don't ask anymore questions for now

We all sat at the breakfast table eating as a family for the last time "I got you a house, you're not doing that dorm thing I want you three to stick together okay" Ma says like she knows something we don't "and Koda stay out of trouble please" Ma says

"Again I'm not in the mood for conversation so leave me out of it" Koda responds with a bored exhausted look on her face. What is wrong with her?

"Dakota Valencia apologize to your mother this instant!!" Mom scolds making Dakota sigh but comply

"Sorry Ma" she says shortly then goes back to her food.

After breakfast was over Mom and Ma drove us to the airport with a whole lot of security both Infront and behind us, why you may ask I have no idea. Koda was quiet the whole way and that started to really worry me because Dakota is never this quiet, Amoux on the other hand was talking my ear off about making friends and finding her mate everything she said was adorable but I can't fully focus because I'm worried about Koda.

Speaking of mates I hope I find mine soon and I hope they accept me because I have been waiting for my mate since I turned 14, I wasn't really allowed to leave the castle till Ma decided we needed to interact with people and thank goddess for that because I was losing my mind. She decided to enroll us into a government school, well I wouldn't call it government because we pay school fees but whatever, Mom wanted us to enroll into some private school but Ma said we would learn more from kids that don't always throw money at everything or think money is the safest option. My Mom was hesitant at first but eventually relented and that's how we found our selves at a "government" school though I have to admit Ma was right, it taught me so much and when Koda and I take over the thrown I'll be sure to look into homes for the less fortunate.

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