Chapter Ten

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⚠️Warning abuse scene skip Jades scene if you're not comfortable ⚠️

Jades pov

He stalked closer and closer but I didn't leave my desk, I wasn't going to hit him back unless it actually hurt and I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of thinking I'm afraid of him.

"Get up!" He commands and I do as told, he Stares me down and I show no sign of backing down or even fear and that for sure pissed him off because he has me pinned down against my study table. I picked the wrong day to study math because that campus is lodged in my lower waist and it hurts like a bitch.

He chokes me until he feels I've had enough then throws me to the ground and I use this opportunity to greedily gasp for air because my lungs need it while I'm focused on breathing he kicks my side "you think you're so special don't you Jade" he asks mockingly and I wonder why, because of course I'm special I'm me. He sees the campus lodged in my side and instantly steps on it. Fuck the pain is actually really bad I didn't scream but rather I inhaled deeply "please stop I'll do the damn race or fight or horse race whatever the fuck you want just don't make me kill you" I say in a strained tone this shit hurts for real.

"You think you can kill me!" No I know I can there's a difference

"You don't deserve the Luxury you get matter of fact you weren't even planned so you don't deserve to live a life as equal as your sister" he says thinking his saying something that actually makes sense

"You are nothing but a worthless little piece of crap and that's all you'll ever be" as he says this he gets his belt and hits me with the metal end and all I do is protect my face. When his done he grabs me by my ear and slaps me hard across the face "next time do as I say" he says then kicks me one last time before heading to the door "be ready in two hours" he says then unlocks the door and Leaves. I'm glad Kade's not home I think to myself then push myself off the ground and head to my bathroom and strip.

As I let the water touch my body I grab ahold of the campus lodged in my lower waist and take a deep breath this is about to hurt I think to myself before counting to three and pulling it out "ahhhh! Fuck why did I do that" I cry out in pain I'm glad my bathroom is sound proof. Why does he hate me I did nothing wrong his the asshole I'm just unfortunate enough to be his child I think to myself then punch the wall hard and that my friends was a bad idea because my whole body shook and all the pain I wasn't feeling, I felt it all in that moment and dropped to the ground as blood went down into the drain from my waist and all the other places he hit to the point of blood and suddenly everything became blurry and then it all went dark.

Tyra's pov

We didn't interfere when her father was hitting her only because the Empress said not to it was hard and heartbreaking but orders are orders I guess. We are currently in her room waiting for her to get out of the shower she's been in there for an hour now and I'm worried

"We should go in and check on her" I say to Alala and Aloise

"I agree. She shouldn't be in there this long especially in her condition" Aloise says

"Facts" my beautiful Alala says then opens the bathroom door and on the floor of the shower is Jade laying under the water as blood runs from her wounds into the drain

"Fuck call Laylani and get the emperor and empress here now" I command and they both listen. Aloise calls Laylani and Alala call's the Empress and Emperor and I picked Jade up and wrapped her in a towel then took her to her bed

"she's a vampire she shouldn't be bleeding this much or at all if I'm not mistaken" I say to no one in particular.

Yaretzi's pov

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