Chapter 5: May 1st

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God: Onto the next video!

Ayanokouji entered the classroom and waved hello to Mii-chan, Kushida, and some other girls that he was acquainted with during the past month. He noticed that the usual carefree and relaxed atmosphere of the classroom is gone and replaced with a panicked and confused atmosphere. Ayanokouji noticed that a few students were talking and checking their phones.

The bell rang and Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom with her expression more stern than usual.

"Hey, sensei, did you start menopause or something?" asked Ike which shocked Ayanokouji on how blunt that joke was. Chabashira-sensei didn't care and ignored Ike's sexual harassment.

Some of the girls in the audience were glaring at Ike, who looked down in shame. Some of the boys silently praised his bluntness and how he can say it easily out loud without any sort of hesitation and shame.

Ike: I'm sorry, Chabashira-sensei.

Chabashira-sensei: It's okay, Ike. But, if you do it again... I won't forgive you."

Chabashira-sensei gave Ike a cold look and he flinched when he saw that.

Ike: Y-Yes ma'am.

"All right, your morning homeroom is about to begin. Before we get started, does anyone have any questions? If so, now is the time to speak." Chabashira-sensei Immediately, several students raised their hands.

"Um, I checked my point balance this morning, but I didn't see any deposits. Points are given on the first day of every month, aren't they? I couldn't buy juice this morning." said Hondo.

"Hondo, I already explained this before, didn't I? Points are deposited on the first day of the month. I've confirmed that points were wired this month without any issues." replied Chabashira-sensei.

"Um, but...nothing was deposited into my account, though."

Hondo and Yamauchi exchanged glances. Ike appeared too shocked to notice them looking at each other. Ayanokouji checked his point balance that morning as well, but saw that it had remained unchanged from the day before. No more points had been deposited into his account.

Two possible way: either my theory is correct or the school will wire the points later. But, it's most likely more theory. Good thing that I didn't spend too much points.

Sakayanagi: As expected of the Masterpiece. This posed no challenge for him.

Ryuuen: Monster's intuition is crazy. Even I didn't see that coming.

Most of the people in the audience widened their eyes and admired Ayanokouji's resourcefulness and abilities as he predicted the true nature of the school and had countermeasure for it.

"Are you kids really that dumb?" said Chabashira-sensei, chuckling.

"Dumb? What?" As Hondo stupidly repeated her words, Chabashira-sensei looked at him sharply.

"Sit down, Hondo. I'll explain once more," she said.


Hondo, taken aback by her unusually strict tone, slumped in his seat.

"Points were deposited. That much I know for certain. There is absolutely no chance that we forgot about anyone in this class. To think so is ludicrous. Understood?"

"Well, even if I tell you that we understand, we haven't received any points..." said Hondo, still perplexed, began to look dissatisfied.

"Ha ha ha! I see. So, it's like that then, teacher? I think I've solved the mystery," Kouenji boomed, laughing. He propped his feet up on his desk and smugly pointed toward Hondo. "It's simple. We're in Class D, so we didn't receive a single point."

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