Stay with me- Angela Lopez

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Word count: 1980

You were in the locker room getting changed into your uniform when you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist. "Hey baby," Angela said as she kissed your neck lightly. The two of you had been dating for almost three months, and you had been able to keep it a secret from everyone on the force.

"Good morning." You smiled as you leaned back into her, resting your head on her shoulder. You knew falling for a T.O. would be a bad idea, but after you saw her, you had no choice.

"You ready for today?" She asked as you spun around to face her, your heart skipping a beat. Her hair was down, her curls covered her shoulders, and she had that telling smirk on her face.

"What's today?" You asked, actually not knowing what she was talking about but just looking at her gorgeous face. Her face turned from her smirk into a look of slight concern.

"Baby, it's plain clothes day." She said, looking herself up and down. That's when you realized. Her hair was down and she didn't have her uniform on. Your heart beating out of your chest.

"SHIT." You ran out of the locker room, hearing her laughter as the door shut. Immediately you ran into someone, falling to the floor. You looked up to see Jackson and Lucy laughing at you, Jackson helping you up.

"Where are you headed in such a hurry y/n/n?" Lucy asked as she helped you brush yourself off.

"It's plain clothes day." You huffed, watching as their smiles dropped.


***time skip***

"Officer Chen, what is plain clothes day?" Sergeant Grey asked, his voice booming through the room. You and Jackson looked up quickly, waiting for Lucy's response.

"Uhm, plain clothes day is when our T.O. will be out of uniform but still riding with us." She smiled.

"Y/l/n, what does that mean?" He asked then, your heart racing at hearing your name.

"It means that they will only step in when absolutely necessary, so you should pretend you're riding alone." You replied, Lucy giving you a small high five under the table.

"Correct," Grey smiled, "so, get out there. And try not to die." With that you all stood up, Lucy headed toward Tim, Jackson toward your girl, and you toward your new T.O. Talia had quit a week ago and you had been assigned the front desk since then.

"Hey im-" You began, but she quickly cut you off.

"Nuh-uh, I need to see if you can make it through today, after that I'll bother learning your name." You couldn't help but smile. She was a little harsher than Talia was, but it was refreshing. "Now, go set up the shop."

"Yes ma'am," You laughed, walking away from her swiftly before she could kill you with another glare. You made your way to the counter to grab your gear, meeting Lucy and Jackson there.

"How's your new T.O.?" Jackson smiled as he grabbed his gear. Ever since your parents kicked you out of their house for coming out you lived on Jackson and Lucy's couch, the two of them being your closest friends.

"Detective Harper is... a very direct woman." You smiled as you grabbed your gear and rifles. "What about you guys? You ready for today?"

"Lopez refuses to even speak to me, she has a whole bookshelf worth of magazines with her." Jackson laughed, the very mention of the woman making you smile.

"Yeah, she's stubborn like that." You laughed, the words leaving your mouth without you having the time to think. The two of them both looked at you with confused expressions before you could correct yourself. "I mean at least it seems, from what you've said... Lucy, what about you?"

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