Sunshine- Nyla Harper

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Word count: 1329

"Morning Harper. Lopez." You smiled as you walked into the locker room, seeing your T.O. talking to the detective. Both women had just finished getting ready and were going to head out to the conference room. 

"You seem excited." Detective Lopez pointed out as she saw your enthusiastic demeanor. "Something happen today?" Before you had the chance to answer, Harper answered for you.

"Nope, she is just always like that." There was a playful tone in her voice as she smiled at you. Her words were true, but it was only because you had such a difficult job, you had to keep yourself happy somehow. 

"What can I say?" You joked "I am an absolute ray of sunshine." This got a laugh from both women before Harper just gave you a nod and the two of them returned to their conversation.

You quickly got changed into your uniform before heading into the conference room and sitting between Lucy and Celina, the two of them wrapped up in a conversation about something else. The briefing went the same as it did every day, Sgt Grey making fun of the three of you for something before sending you all on your way. 

"You ready to go y/n?" Nyla asked as she slid into the car, leaving you to be the driver today. Her words caught you off guard because she never used your name, she always referred to you as y/l/n or 'sunshine' the nickname she had given you your first week together.

"Are you finally warming up to me or did I do something wrong?" You asked as you started the shop and pulled out of the garage. Those were the only two reasons you could think that she would use your first name.

"It will be the second one of you don't shush." She hissed, however, her tone was still playful which was the only way you knew she wasn't actually pissed off. You just gave a small laugh before driving out of the station.

After only ten or so minutes of patrol, the radio crackled alive. "Seven-Adam-Seven requesting backup at our location, shots fired, officers in distress!" Lucy's voice rang out, her tone desperate. Immediately you hopped on the radio responding.

"Seven-Adam-Fifteen, show us responding." You flipped the lights and sirens on and hauled ass toward the last known location of Lucy and Tim. Before you were even on the right street, gunshots were ringing out loudly. 

So you sped down the road and screeched to a halt a few feet away from Lucy's car, taking note of the situation. It seemed like Lucy and Tim had gotten in a gunfight with a small group of gangbangers, their cars parked similar to yours on the other side.

Then something caught your eye. Two teenage girls were cowering in the center, they had been caught in the gunfire with nowhere to run, and they were both terrified. Nyla joined in on the shooting, but you couldn't just leave those girls there.

"Harper, watch my back." You yelled over the shooting as you began circling the car, gun drawn, heart beating rapidly. She immediately looked at you confused before quickly turning her attention back to the gunfire.

You slid your body between two nearby cars, halfway between your fellow officers and the heavily armed gunman. You watched the men intently as they fired at your friends, waiting patiently for the right moment, and then it came. Three of the five of them needed to reload their weapons, and the other two were very low.

Taking this opportunity you sprinted out from between the cars, right into the center of the fight, hearing yelling from both ends right away. You heard the gunman warning each other, and saying things like 'easy target' and 'shoot her' and from your friends things like 'what the fuck are you doing' and 'y/n no' but you ignored them.

As you reached the two girls in the center you grabbed them by the sleeves and kept running, ignoring the fact that the gunfire was still whizzing past you, both sides trying to hit each other, and one side trying to hit you.

As you got toward the other side, a stinging pain burned through your shoulder but you ignored it and pulled the girls the last few feet to safety, sitting them down behind two cars.

"You guys okay?" You hissed as you reached your hand to your shoulder, the sight of blood making you a bit more worried than before, you couldn't see the extent of your own injury. "Are either of you hurt?"

They both just looked at you bewildered, being too shocked and scared to answer at the moment. You weren't going to push them especially while the gunfire was still roaring behind you.

There was only a few more minutes of shooting before another unit showed up behind the gunmen, catching them off guard and being able to arrest them quickly. As soon as you heard the all clear, you heard three sets of footsteps barreling toward where you were.

"What the hell were you thinking?" You heard Nyla yell before she had even reached you, when she, Tim, and Lucy slid between the cars to where you were they all paused, Seeing the two girls cowering by you, practically hugging your sides in fear, you rhand covered in blood.

"Who is hurt?" Tim asked calmly as he saw the blood, helping the girls being to stand.

"Me, I think they're both okay." You huffed, sitting up and feeling the pain in your shoulder. Blood was smeared on the car that you had leaned against, but it wasn't enough for you to be super worried.

"Y/n," Nyla sighed as she crouched down, moving you rupper body so she could see what happened to your shoulder. "You were just grazed, its not bleeding any more." She hissed, her tone turning back to pissed. "So, what the hell were you thinking? You could have been killed!"

"Yeah, well, I wasn't just going to leave them out there." You said honestly, starting to stand up, Lucy helping you. "I mean come on, they're just kids." 

"Okay fine, ignoring that you broke so many protocols." She continued as she followed you toward the patrol car where you were going to wait for an ambulance to check you out. Nyla was big on rules, not because she agreed with all of them, but because she didn't like getting yelled at much like you were now.

"You can yell at me later Nyla? For now, I'm just glad I saved them and didn't die in the process." as you spoke you realized what you had said. You had never called her by her name, it had always just been Harper or ma'am when you had first met. 

"Sunshine, it is taking everything in me to not slap you right now." She said angrily, watching you sit in the patrol car. The way she had said the nickname was different than before, more pointed and meaningful. "If you had been hurt id-" She began.

"You would what?" You smiled "Be glad you didn't have to deal with me for a little while?" Nyla had always been a bit harsh and cold so you thought this joke would make her laugh, but it did just the opposite.

"No y/n, I wouldn't forgive myself!" She paused after she said this, watching your face contort in confusion at her display of emotion for you. "Just- just promise me you won't do that again?" She sighed, seeming almost tired of the conversation.

"I can't promise that." You said honestly, knowing that you would always save people if you could. "But I promise you can slap me the next time I do." This got a small laugh from her, and she nodded her head.

"Oh, I'm gonna do a lot more than that sunshine."

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