Stakeout- Tim Bradford

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Word count: 1253

"Everybody take a seat!" Grey hissed when he walked into the room, the air going silent as he spoke "We have something pretty important, I need everyone on their A-game today." Just then Detectives Nyla Harper and Angela Lopez walked in, their faces serious.

"We have intel on a drug trade supposedly going on tonight." Harper began, the projector showing the aerial view of a pretty large house. "And we need your help to stop it." You shifted around in your seat uncomfortably. You wanted in on this case more than anything, having never been on anything serious like this before.

"We just need a couple of cars stationed around the house tonight to run surveillance." Lopez followed, the projector turning to the next slide. It showed a group of men, all of them heavily armed and covered in tattoos. 

"Our main suspect is Luca Watson, we just need enough eyes on him to catch him on some charge."  Harper finished, looking around the room as people began to raise their hands. "Now now, stop with the hand raising, we already picked two teams." 

"Chen," Lopez smiled, looking over at the girl whom you had been friends with since the academy. "You will be with me in a house across the street, we have bugs set up in the target house so you and I will be listening to everything.

"Harper and I will be in a parked van on the south side of the house," Grey spoke, pointing to the spot on the map where they would be stationed. "So that just leaves the west side of the house."

"Bradford and y/l/n, that's you guys," Lopez spoke, your heart practically leaped out of your chest when you heard your name, unsure of how to react. "The two of you will be in plain clothes, just there to make sure no one unexpectedly pulls up. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." You replied, seeing Tim nod out of the corner of your eye. You had never been on a stakeout before and definitely not with one of the most respected T.O.s on the force. So not only did you want to impress your superiors, but you also wanted to get this right.

"Alright then," Harper smirked, she had been your T.O. for a few months before she moved to detective, and no matter how much she said she didn't, she cared for you, and she wanted to see you succeed. "Anyone who we didn't name is free to leave, we have some planning to do."

Everyone slowly filtered out of the room, leaving the six of you alone. You and Lucy being the least experienced there, they could all tell you were both nervous. "Hey, congrats," Lucy whispered as she sent you a small wink and tapped you on the back.

"You too." You smiled as the two of you walked up to the front to join your superior officers. On the way there you couldn't help but notice the way Tim never took his eyes off of the two of you, assuming his gaze was aimed at Lucy.

"Chen, go with Lopez to the house, she will fill you in," Grey instructed, the two women smiling at each other before leaving the room quickly. "Bradford, y/l/n, go get in plain clothes and get comfy in that car of yours." 

You just nodded and started out of the room with Tim before he stopped you, "Get dressed and meet me in the parking lot in ten minutes." You nodded again before rushing to the locker room to return to plain clothes.

***time skip***

It was already an hour into the stakeout, Tim had gotten you guys some quick take out and now the two of you were just sitting there waiting for something to happen. "You have good instincts," Tim said suddenly, his voice catching you off guard.

"Thank you," You smiled, wondering what brought on this sudden compliment from him.

"I know you worked undercover for a time with Chen, and you saved her life." He continued. It was true, you and Lucy had gone undercover in a gang and during a gunfight, you had her back. "She was my boot so that means a lot to me."

"I appreciate that sir, I wouldn't let anything happen to her." The last thing you expected was for you and Tim to bond over Lucy, but you knew no matter how tough he was, he cared for her in some aspect. 

"So, you wanna become a UC?" He asked, keeping the subject about you and your work. 

"Uhm yes sir, that's the goal." You replied, "I actually-" You began, but then you were quickly cut off by the radio.

"Guys we have a problem." Lopez hissed, "We don't know how, but they know we're here, and they're headed your way." You watched as Tim's face dropped and he began to scramble to respond.

"Do we have enough time to get out of here?" He asked quickly, your heart beginning to race as you realized the situation you were in.

"Not without them knowing and getting spooked," She replied, "You need to blend in, make them think you're not cops." Her words sparked an idea in your mind, and it was the only thing you knew to do.

"I have an idea but I need you to trust me." You said quickly as you saw flashlights coming closer. He looked at you and just nodded quickly, seeing the men come closer.

You quickly stripped your sweater off of your body, taking your hair out of its ponytail and shaking it out. You then crossed over the center console and straddled his lap, his eyes growing wide quickly.

"What the hell are you doing?" He hissed as his eyes darted between you and the men outside who somehow hadn't noticed you yet. 

"Tim, trust me." You said quickly, running your fingers through his short hair and pulling it up a bit. "May I?" You asked as you touched the buttons on his shirt.

"Yeah, yeah, go." He said, his breath quickening as you unbuttoned his top and pulled it apart. Just then the men had sight of the car and you quickly pressed your lips to Tim's, your heart racing.

***Angela and Lucy***

"You see anything?" They heard Luca ask through the bug they had planted. The silence was deafening as the two of them waited for an answer, hoping that the men hadn't found the two of you.

"Nah, just a couple fuckin in the car, nothin else." His guy said. Both of them breathed a quick sigh of relief until they realized what he had said.

"What the hell are those two doing?"

***time skip***

It had been a week since the stakeout, and no matter how much he tried, Tim couldn't stop thinking about your lips on his. Your quick thinking saved your lives, but it also made things very confusing for him.

He had always found you attractive, but he met you as a rookie and had a hard time seeing you as anything else. 

"What's on your mind?" Angela asked him, the two of them had gone out for coffee but the entire time his mind was somewhere else. "You still thinking about the stakeout?"

"What?" He said quickly... a little too quickly. Angela immediately caught on to his nervousness, a smile on her face.

"Timothy? Do you have feelings for y/n?"

"What? NoOoO!"

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