Language- Angela Lopez

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The entire team was out having a celebratory night after catching a man you had been after for the better part of a year. He had been stalking and harassing women but never got caught until the team set a trap with you as the bait.

They set you up to look like a girl who had moved into the part of town he frequented, they made it look like you were completely alone and then waited for him to find you. Once he did, he stalked you for a week and a half before breaking into your home.

And that's when you caught him. So now all of you were down at a bar near the precinct, laughing, drinking, and celebrating your success.

"Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention?" Tim smiled as he began to stand on the bar, everyone quickly paying attention to the man. "Everyone give it up for the wonderful y/n y/l/n who spent a month undercover for this."

Everyone began clapping, cheers and praise coming from some of your co-workers. "Yes y/n/n!" Lucy smiled as she ran up and hugged you, a huge grin on her face. "Soon you're gonna be better at undercover work than me!"

"Who says I'm not already better?" you laughed as you poked her with your shoulder. But before the girl had a chance to joke back with another snarky remark, Angela and Nyla walked over, both of them always looking very confident.

"Congratulations bella dama," Angela smiled as she hugged you, your heart beating out of your chest rapidly. Angela was the most gorgeous woman you had ever worked with and she always took your breath away, especially when she spoke Spanish.

"Thanks Angela." You smiled back as a blush spread on your face and you hugged her. Lucy was the only person aware of how you felt about Angela, and she loved to tease you about it. "And thanks for saving me when it came down to it."

When the man had broken in, you had tried to fight him off seeing as you knew he would be there, but he was stronger than all of you had assumed. Angela had been the first person inside and she had taken him down in milliseconds. 

"Of course, no one messes with my team." She winked, then walked away just as quickly as she had shown up and went to talk to Tim, leaving you with Lucy and Nyla.

"You did good y/l/n." Nyla smiled awkwardly, patting you on the shoulder. She had always been sort of awkward and distant seeing as she wasn't a super lovey person, but you could tell that she cared for you the same way everyone else did.

"Thanks Harper," you replied softly "It's good to be back." And with that, she walked away, following Angela to go talk to the other T.O. The second she was out of earshot, Lucy began giggling.

"Oh. My. God." She smiled giddily as she jumped up and down a bit, watching the two women walk away. "She called you 'bella dama' that's so cute!"

"Shut up!" You hissed at the girl, an embarrassed smile on your face. "Wait what does that mean? I don't know Spanish..."

"She called you 'pretty lady' y/n..." Lucy said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Oh my god, she called me pretty."

***Time skip***

It was an hour and a half later and you were pretty tipsy, and you were one of the only ones who was. Everyone else had work the next morning, but you got a week off since you spent a month undercover, so you weren't holding back.

"Y/n, you wanna do another round of karaoke?" Jackson asked, as he went to pass you the microphone. But as he did s, your head went fuzzy and you stumbled a bit, getting a bit nauseous.

"Actually I'm going to head to the restroom really fast, ill be back." You slurred as you walked toward the bathroom. You didn't want to make a complete fool of yourself in front of co-workers and friends so you just needed a moment to compose yourself.

You pushed the bathroom door open and immediately went to the sink, splashing some cold water in your face and trying to ease the nausea coursing through you. It was refreshing to have a minute away from the noise and booze.

"Hey y/n, you okay?" You heard a very familiar voice ask from behind you, turning around to see Angela. She still looked as gorgeous as she did when you saw her earlier. 

"Yeah just drank a bit too much." You said honestly as you leaned against the counter looking toward the woman. She had a soft smile on her face as she took a few steps forward, grabbing some paper towels next to you.

"Yeah, let's clean you up a bit cariño." She said softly as she wiped up the makeup that had smeared a bit from you splashing water on your face. One hand dabbed at your face while the other held your chin in place. "You doing okay after everything?"

"Yeah I'm okay," you smiled, trying to keep your composure as she held your face. "Just trying to transition back from undercover to the real world." She nodded at these words, immediately understanding what you meant.

"I get that." She nodded as she finished cleaning you up and tossed the paper towel away, "But if it makes you feel any better, I missed seeing your pretty face every day and I'm glad you're back." 

Her comment made you blush and you looked down at the floor temporarily, trying to compose yourself before responding. "Well I'm glad to be back, I definitely missed all of you guys. Especially you." You joked, but your words had just enough truth behind them that she noticed.

"You missed me the most?" She laughed, making you realize how close she was actually standing to you. "Por qué me extrañaste más?" She then spoke, her voice so silky and enticing.

"Angela, you know I don't speak Spanish, what did you say?"

"Prometes que no podrás entenderme entonces?" She continued, seemingly amused by the fact that you were still very confused. "Te extrañé porque desearía estar contigo todo el tiempo. Si supieras cuánto te quiero, mi amor."

It was true that you didn't know Spanish, but almost everyone knew what 'mi amor' meant, and your heart practically stopped. Whatever she had said, it ended with 'my love' and you had no clue why.

Thankfully, you did have one trick up your sleeve. You had studied abroad in France for almost a year, and you were pretty fluent in French.

"Je ne sais pas ce que tu as dit, mais ça avait l'air magnifique de sortir de tes lèvres." Her eyes practically looked through you as you spoke in French. Both of you spoke in languages of love even though you didn't understand each other.

"Quiero besarte..." She said quietly

"Je veux vous embrasser..." You replied

And so you did, you leaned forward just enough to connect your lips to hers in a soft kiss, any feelings of sickness you had washing away. This kiss lasted just the perfect amount of time before she pulled away, a smirk on her face.

"You know French but not Spanish?" She laughed, her hand moving to your waist.

You couldn't help the sinister smile that showed up on your face. "Oh no... Sé suficiente español para entender lo que dijiste."

She let out a hearty laugh before a smirk appeared on her face. "Eh bien, c'est une bonne chose que je connaisse le français."

Okay disclaimer y'all, I definitely use Google translate, so I apologize if anything is inaccurate.

I really love all of the love languages, so I really wanted to write a one shot like this since Angela is fluent in Spanish.

I hope this was worth it, and I hope it isn't too much work to put it into Google translate so you know what I said.

Also, please let me know any requests you have for these stories, I'll write them a lot more often if I have ideas to write!

Love you all


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