Wake up- Zoe Andersen

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You were all standing in the briefing room when Captain Zoe Andersen- who happened to be your girlfriend of two years- yelled out quickly. "Can I have your attention? Everyone, gather up."

Many people in the station hadn't taken a liking to you when you were hired, they all assumed it was simply because the captain was your girlfriend. It was the reason you were hired here specifically, but it wasn't the only reason you were a cop and a damn good one at that.

Thankfully, all of the people you truly cared about recognized that you were a good officer and not just there because of your personal relationships.

"Let's go boots," Tim called as you all made your way into the main office, looking up to see Zoe on the staircase. She offered you a loving smile before she continued speaking.

"Alright guys, listen up." She spoke harshly, looking between everyone in the room. "Internal affairs will be conducting random integrity tests this week."

"Reversals." Jackson cut in, seeming very proud of himself.

"That's right Officer West." Grey hissed.

"What is a reversal?" Nolan asked, practically taking the question right out of your mouth. Even though your girl was the captain, you still didn't have as much knowledge and insight as Jackson did about all of the internal workings.

Tim and Angela went on to explain that it was officers pretending to be criminals for the next week or so to make sure that every officer treated everyone fairly. Both of them then cracked a joke about officers ratting out other officers.

"Is this a joke to you? Officer Bradford? Officer Lopez?" Zoe asked sternly, not breaking her stare at either of them.

"No Maam." They mumbled in unison.

"Good, then let's get to it." She smiled. Everyone began to disperse as she waved you up to her office. You sent Lucy a small smile and then climbed the steps toward her. IA already knew about your relationship with one another before you were hired so there was no need to sneak around.

"Hey honey," She smiled as you walked into her office and closed the door, the blinds already pulled shut. "Today is gonna be a hard day." She wrapped her arms around your waist and tilted her head as she spoke.

"Nothing I haven't faced before." You smiled as you pressed a soft kiss to her lips, "Plus, I have no worries about IA, I treat everyone I meet like I should." 

"I know you do baby, it's not you that I'm worried about." She laughed as she let go of you and walked back behind her desk. "You're riding with Chen and Bradford today, and it's him I'm worried about."

"Oh, I see." You laughed as you began to walk toward the door, "Well I better get out there before Tim gets mad for making him late. See you tonight?" 

"You know it hun, I love you."

"I love you more."

And with that you walked out of the door, ready to face this day with Tim and Lucy.

***Time skip***

You, Lucy, Nolan, and Jackson were all standing at the food truck, all of you rookies ready to complain about your days.

"Tim was so convinced we caught another reversal, he pried open the bear trap." Lucy groaned as she grabbed your food and handed it to you, then grabbing hers.

"I've never seen someone actually pass out from pain before." You laughed as you stuffed a fry in your mouth.

"That's tough," Jackson cut in, "not as bad as the helplessness in that kid's eyes." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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