Comfort- Chenford

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***I know this is a bit different than my usual reader x character stories, of course, the reader is still in this one. But the main goal is to get chenford back together.***

"Y/n!" Lucy sobbed into the phone as soon as you picked up. "He- he broke up with me. I just- I don't know why."

"Slow down Lucy, I can't understand you babe." You spoke calmly as you grabbed your keys and began out your front door. Even if you weren't quite sure what was going on, you knew she needed you, so you were going to go to her.

"Tim just broke up with me." She sniffed, this time more calmly than the last. You could tell she had just gotten home as you suddenly heard a muffled Tamara yell 'He did what?!'

"Okay, I'm on my way." You said quickly, already behind the wheel of your car and halfway down the street.

"No, you don't have to-"

"Yes, I do. I'll be right there." Without giving her another second to protest you hung up the phone and slammed your foot on the gas, knowing you wanted to do two things.

Hug her.

And slaughter Tim.

***Time skip***

The drive to her apartment was twenty-five minutes with the LA traffic so by the time you got there her crying had already calmed down to a light sniffle.

You walked into her apartment and quickly saw her on the couch, Tamara right next to her clearly just as confused and pissed as you were.

"Hey, I'm here." You cooed as you walked toward the couch, sitting on the other side of her and wrapping the woman in a hug. "Tell me what happened."

"He said that he was 'lying to himself' and that he 'couldn't go back to the way things were, now or maybe ever.'" She sniffed, the anger rising in her very clearly, as the hurt in her voice grew. "I mean, he said 'I deserved better' How does he know what I deserve?"

"Okay I love Tim but what the hell?" Tamara cut in quickly, a look of pure disgust on her face.

"I hate to say that I agree." I hissed, clearly not trying to hide my disdain as much as Tamara was. "I mean does he have any other reasons than that?"

"Not that he said," Lucy sighed, looking right at you, her eyes sad and tired from crying. "I just don't get it, everything was fine until a week ago."

Your mind swirled with anger and hurt, just because of how he hurt Lucy. Tim was one of your closest friends, all of you at the station were so close, so you didn't like the fact that something was clearly up with him as well.

"I'll be right back." You said softly as you stood up. "You take care of her while I'm gone, okay?" You asked Tamara as you walked toward the door.

"Wait where are you going?" Lucy asked, standing up just as quickly as you did.

"I'm gonna go see what's wrong with Tim, I promise I'll be back." And without another word you shut the door behind you, heading down to your car and calling Tim.

"Hey Y/n, what's up?" He said nonchalantly, clearly unaware of the fact that you knew of the break-up.

"Tim Bradford you have five seconds to tell me where you are." You hissed quickly, your anger had mostly subsided, but now you were just worried about both of them.

"Home, why? What's going on?" He asked, clearly worried about why you needed his location, but you ignored his question.

"I'm on my way." You hung up the phone and hopped into your car, driving the short distance to Tim's house and pounding on the door.

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