Feelings- Lucy Chen

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Word count: 2091

*Not proofread or edited so there may be spelling and grammar errors!!*

"You know," you yawned as you poured two cups of coffee for you and Lucy, "you don't have to go to this trial today if you don't want to."

It was the day that she was supposed to testify against Rosalind Dyer, and you knew deep down she wasn't ready. But no matter how many times you asked, she always said she was perfectly fine.

"No, no. This is something I have to do, if not me, for her other victims." She said, taking the mug from you and downing her coffee instantly.

You and Lucy had been friends since the academy, and had lived together ever since she got kidnapped, she was your closest friend and you weren't going to let anything ever happen to her.

Now, you did have feelings for her, but she didn't know that and she never would. You knew she was happy with Chris, and seeing her happy was all that mattered to you.

"Okay, but I'm going with you. And that's not up for debate." You smiled, looking over towards the woman. She had been through so much and the least you could do was show some support.

"I'm coming too!" Tamara yelled from the other room, having just woken up and tuned in on your conversation.

"Then get ready, cuz we gotta go!" Lucy yelled back, hopping up to grab her stuff. You quickly grabbed your bag and slipped your shoes on, watching as Tamara stumbled out of her room and did the same.

"I'm driving," you smiled as you opened the door for the two of them "and we're getting Starbucks on the way."

Both women lit up at the mention of expensive coffee and practically went running out the door, leaving you to lock up and get to your car before they decided to leave without you.

***Time skip***

As the three of you walked in the building you were immediately met with a familiar face, Chris walking toward all of you.

"Hey there," he smiled, kissing Lucy on the top of the head while he waved to you and Tamara. The young girl just gave you a knowing glance which you returned with a soft smile.

Tamara had figured out that you liked Lucy a couple months ago and she always seemed to hate Chris, so ultimately she was rooting for you.

"Well I'm gonna take her up for trial prep," he said suddenly, breaking the look between you and Tamara "you guys gonna be good here?"

"Oh yeah, all good." Tamara said with a slight hiss in her tone, she was honestly the best roommate ever.

"If you need anything let us know." You smiled to Lucy, seeing that she was growing more and more nervous by the second. She just nodded and balled her sleeves up in her fist.

As Chris led her down the hallway and into a conference room you couldn't help but feel worried. She had way more trauma than she liked to let on and you worried that today would break her.

"I'm worried." Tamara admitted, seeming to voice your inner thoughts as the two of you watched the conference room door shut.

"Yeah me too," you sighed. You were uncomfortable about the fact that Chris was the one getting her prepped, knowing that meant he knew facts she probably didn't want him to know yet.

"Well," she continued, taking your hand in hers and giving it a little squeeze, "let's go get some snacks and wait for her in the break room."

"Yeah, let's do that."

***Time skip***

About a half an hour later Chris and Lucy walked in, the girl clearly a bit upset but containing it well.

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