Part 11

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Caroline’s POV

I walked into the building as the new day of the rehearsals started. I greeted everyone as I got in and went straight to my dressing room to get myself ready. Shortly after I closed the doors I heard someone opening them. It was Olly.

„What a surprise.“ I said as I raised my left eyebrow.

„You alright, Caz?“ He said sitting on the sofa next to me.

„Yeah, I’m alright. Thanks. You?“

„I’m alright too.“

I got up and walked over to the mirror to check my appearance and I felt Olly standing behind me wrapping his arms around me. „Um, I think we should go unless you want us to be late.“ I whispered.

„Yeah, let’s go.“ He sad as I let go off him but shortly after he took my hand and lead me out of the room.


„Take a break everyone. I’ll see you later.“ Steve  yelled after we finished rehearsing. I took my jacket from my dressing room and walked out of the building heading to Starbucks nearby to grab myself a coffee.

„One hazelnut frappuccino, please.“ I thanked and handed the girl on the pult money and walked off.

„Caz!“ I heard someone calling my name so I turned around to see Olly standing behind me.

„Ols, what are you doing here?“ I laughed.

„I was waiting for you actually.“ He laughed back.

„Where’s your jacket? It’s freezing.“

„I forgot it. I was in a hurry.“


„You don’t seem like you want to be seen inside with me alone so I had to find you here.“ He laughed.

„What did you want to ask me?“ I laughed. „And hurry up, it’s too cold to stand here. Let’s get inside.“

„What are you doing tonight?“

„Nothing. Why do you ask?“

„You wanna come to my house for a drink or something? It’s been long since we hang out alone.“

„I don’t know, I guess I could come.“ I agreed. „I’ll let you know.“


We walked inside the building both heading to our dressing rooms to get ready to get on the stage.


After the show was over I started walking off the set and heard Olly walking behind me.

„So, are you coming?“

„Yes. Just let me grab my jacket.“ I smiled as I opened the doors of my dressing room leaving Olly behind.

„You’re really going to leave me here?“ He pouted.

„No, I guess.“ I laughed. „Come in.“

„We’re ready to go, come on.“ I said and Olly grabbed my hand as we left the room and walked over to his car.

Start of something new (Olly Murs & Caroline Flack fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now