Part 12

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Caroline’s POV

The moment I got inside of the building for another day of the reheasals I headed straight to my dress room trying to avoid seeing Olly. I was still a bit shocked with what he said last night. I thought something good could start up from us hanging out together again but he obviously just wanted sex, as hard as it was for me to believe it. I was shortly interrupted with none other but Olly himself when I heard him calling out my name.


„Hiya.“ I said as I turned around to face him.

„Were you ignoring me this morning?“ He asked with the confused look on his face.

„No, don’t be silly.“ I fake laughed.

„I was worried, you sort of just left last night without really saying anything.“

„Um, yeah. Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to-“ I mumbled.

„Everything’s alright. I thought you were mad at me or something, but we’re good now, right?“

„Yes. It’s all good.“ I lied.“Olly, I need to go now. I’ll see you later.“

„Sure. Bye, Caz.“

I left the room to go meet  with Sam who was already waiting for me outside.

„Heyy you.“ I said giving her a quick hug which she returned.

„You alright?“ she asked when she saw I’m not really in a good mood.

„I’ve been better.“ I laughed.

„What’s wrong? You know you can tell me.“

„Nothing. I just take things too personal and then end up being hurt.“ I sighed.

„Are you referring to something?“ she paused. „Or someone?“

„No.“ I muttered. „Well, yes, maybe.“

We entered the pub that was just down the street, ordered drinks and continued the conversation.

„Is it Olly again? What did he do now?“

„He actually didn’t do anything. It’s me.“

„Will you tell me already?“

„We kind of got together last night.“

„And??“ Sam asked with the excitement on her face.

„He planned it to be just sex thing, but you know what I’m like.“ I sighed. „Look, this is stupid. I should just stop talking.“ I laughed quietly.

„No, it’s not. I see what’s the problem here and babe, that’s normal. It’s a known thing that girls take that kind of stuff more to heart than boys.“

„Sad truth.“ I said as I smiled at her.

„But it’s weird. I didn’t know Olly was like that. Not with you, anyway.“

„Course he is. I don’t know why am I even surprised. I took this way too serious. I should just forget it and pretend everything’s alright. Right?“ I questioned unsure of what I’m saying.

„No. I think you should talk to him.“

„No way!“ I said loudly. „I’m gunna sound like an idiot.“

„So you’re just gonna leave it then?“

„I guess.“ I sighed. „Shit. I need to go.“ I said as I looked down on my phone to see what time it is.

„Go, go.“ Sam laughed at me. „Call me later.“ I gave her a quick hug and walked out of the pub and headed back to the studio.

Olly’s POV

I knew something was wrong. Even though I talked to Caroline and she assured me that’s everything’s alright I had that strange feeling and I couldn’t ignore it. Caroline, on the other side, was the one who kind of ignored me. The problem was that I didn’t know why and I wanted to fix things between us, but how? She did say everything’s cool but I knew when she way lying. I knew and still didn’t do anything about it. I really am an idiot, am i? I saw Caroline walking through the door as I stood in the hall but I decided not to bother her because our conversation in the morning was already weird enough.


„Hey. Sam?“ I asked waiting for the person on the other side of the phone to reply.


„It’s Olly.“

„Oh. You alright, Murs?“

„Yeah, I’m good. You?“

„I’m alright. Thanks.“

„Sam, have you seen Caroline today?“

„Yes, just half an hour ago. Why?“

„Did she maybe tell you anything?“

„Are you referring to something?“


„You’ve surprised me, Murs. That’s all I’ll say.“

„What?“ this really got me worried. „Sam, will you please tell me what Caroline said to you?“

„I doubt I can. I’m sorry. But you really messed up.“

„Sam, I beg you. I know I messed up but I don’t know what I did, cause believe me if I did I would be sorting out this mess right now.“ I sighed.

„She’s gonna hate me for this but I guess I have to tell you.“

„Pleaseee!“ I cried.

„She kind of expected more than it to be just sex last night.“ She coughed.

„What? But it was not supposed to be just sex. Oh fuck-“ I paused.

„Ok now I’m confused.“

„Sam, she overheard my conversation with Stella.“

„Who the hell is Stella?“

„Oh my God.“ I shouted when I realized what I did.

„Olly, calm down. Tell me what-“

„What do I do now? You need to help me.“ I cut her off.

„Go talk to her!“


„Whenever. Just do it.“

„I will. Sam, thank you. I appreciate it. I really do.“

„Not a problem. Now go and work things out with her. She loves you. A lot. Bye.“


I put my phone down and sat on the sofa in my dressing room. I had to find her and talk to her but I was so scared. I didn’t know If I should go to her now or just wait tomorrow. I was confused as though what to do. I took my jacket, left the studio in a hurry to get in the car and drove off to Caroline’s flat.

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