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It was just an ordinary morning.The sun was rising slowly, casting it's warm rays of light across the horizon.
As the sun rose, birds chirped in the nearby trees and the streets began to come in life.And as usual , karna is going for his morning prayer.He went towards Ganga river, closed his eyes and folded his hands and started to pray to suryadev.

After finishing his prayer , he sat down on the ground and started to think about his life.His father is a charioteer that means he belongs to sut cast.It's not like he doesn't love them , he loves them so much.They  gave him everything and they are the most loving parents he can ask for but sometimes he thinks he is missing something in his life, something he can't name it yet or may be knows but he is afraid to ask from his parents.

He signed, he wanted to learn archery, he loves archery, archery is his second love after his parents.He secretly tries to learn it by himself but he isn't good at it , he needs someone to guide him like a guru and he knows finding a guru is impossible cause no one is willing to accept him as he belongs to sut cast.But there is still hope , he thinks that there is someone who's going to accept him for who he is , and will not judge him through cast.If only his parents give him permission to learn then he will start his journey to find a guru for himself.He know about guru Dronacharya, how his teaching is great and what not.He hope that he will accept him if he ever get the chance to learn ofc!

He came out of his thinking when he remember it's quite late , he should hurry or else his Mata is going to be worried for him.He hurriedly went to his home and saw his mother making breakfast for everyone."Putr why did you come late from your prayer?" she asked. " Sorry mata I was lost in some thoughts, is the breakfast ready, I'm quite hungry". said karn with pout while rubbing his tummy to show his mother how hungry he is. Radha chuckled at her son's silly act and said " Which thoughts putr?" and yes the breakfast is ready, go call your pitashree and I will serve". " Yes Mata" said karna and ran to call his father while dodging the question his mother asked about his thoughts.

"Now that you guys are here let's have breakfast" said radha and started to serve the food.Everyone started to eat and karna was debating with himself if he should ask his parents , that he wants to learn's now or never he thinks.Seeing his puzzled expression both Radha and Adhirath looked at each other and then to karna, trying to mask their worries and said with reassuring smile ," you can tell us anything putr, what happened, why you looked troubled?"

Karna was hesitating and fidgeting at his place, after some time he said " i know mata, the thing is...I wanted to learn archery" and lowered his eyes, didn't wanted to see the look of his parents.But not getting any response he lifted his head slowly and saw that his parents were quite shocked and their was worries in their eyes.

After processing everything adhirath said ," Putr karna , you know that we belong to which cast, we people can't learn weaponry and all that.We don't have the right for that, and on top of that they are going to humili-" he was cut of by his dear wife," Putr , do you really want to learn It?" asked radha. "Yes mata , I wanted to learn , I wanted to become like everyone or even better than them, I wanted to change the thoughts of everyone on the cast system" said karna with determination in his eyes."Then let me discuss it with your pitashree". "Ok mata" said karna and with that he went out leaving his parents to discuss.

"Radha! You know that It's impossible for karna to learn weapons or anything, do you really think that anyone is going to take him as shishya knowing that he belongs to lower class . I'm seriously concern about karna, he is still a kid , he didn't faced the humiliation , taunt yet, I don't want him to suffer. He don't know how the society is,it's cruel radha you know that".said adhirath with anxious and worried look on his face.

"I know Swami, I know everything and I'm also concern about my child and scared for him at the same time but swami have you looked at our karna? Have you noticed the spark on his face and the glow , you also know that he belongs to some royals, but who we don't know clearly. And like everyone else he has dream , a dream of being a warrior, It's in his blood. And their is hope in his eyes from us , can't we just give him a chance swami, just try giving him a chance for once." said radha with tears in her eyes.

Adhirath came to his wife and hugged her."Ok priye if that's what you want, I will give him a chance" he said.

After their discussion they called Karna who was patiently waiting outside. And with that he entered in the room, looking anxiously at his parents."Putr , we have decided something" said radha, sharing a look with her husband."Yes mata , what is it?" asked karna."We have decided that you can learn archery, we are giving you our permission"said radha."Really Mata?" asked karna as he couldn't believed what he is hearing right now from his parents.

"Yes putr, really but you haven't seen how the society and world works completely , I hope you are ready for whatever is going to come in the future and don't lose your faith and determination, remember suryadev is also with you and one more thing , don't ever lie to your guru , if they ask from which cast you belong to, then say the truth, those gurus who are willing to accept as whoever you are , those who doesn't discriminate on the basis of cast and only believe that skills matter, are the real guru"said adhirath.

Karna nodded his head and started to cry, it was tears of happiness, tears of joy, he ran to his parents and hugged them tightly and said"You guys are the best parents in the whole world, I love you guys so so much,One day I'm going to make you proud".Both adhirath and radha teared up too and hugged their precious little sunshine tightly and said " You already are our pride putr" and slightly prayed to Gods for the happiness of their child.

"Enough with the emotional drama, Go and start to prepare for you journey putr" said radha with chuckled along with adhirath.

That was the first chapter!
I tried my best 😂 Hope you guys like it and do vote and comment

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