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She suddenly bite karna's shoulder so hard that both of them fell in the water.That's exactly what draupadi wanted because she was feeling weird by being in his arms and she was not that far from the surface.So she somehow reached the surface, all her clothes drenched in the water.

Karna was having pain on his shoulder because of that sharp bite and when he met with the princess's eyes he glared at her and said " are you a monster or something! Your teeth is so sharp, look because of you my shoulder is bleeding!"

He showed his shoulder side to draupadi. She squinted her eyes trying to see any blood but there was none. To say that karna was being dramatic was an understatement because there wasn't any blood, it's just slighlty red skin because of pressure on he skin nothing much. But he wanted to guilt trip the princess. And oh how much he was wrong to think that way.

"Where is the blood huh? I can't see it. Stop spitting nonsense! I didn't bite that hard that will make your shoulder bleed but I wish If that would have happened with you, because you deserve it" she said with Scoff.

"Why did I deserve such thing? Tell me princess, I saved you from drowning for God's sake!" Karna was having hard time dealing with that stubborn princess. I mean how the hell he deserve that!? When all he did was to saved a princess from drowning! He from now on won't save any drowning person!(A/N: stop being dramatic my boy XD)

"You did a sin! You touched a princess, do you even know that whoever touches the princess will get his head rip!" She was standing there with her arms crossed as if she is the queen of the world.

"A sin? Pff! Wow I didn't know that saving someone even if it's princess who's life was in danger will get my head rip" karna now was also on the surface standing infront of the stubborn princess not breaking eye contact and said " You know what let's head towards your kingdom get my head rip, that's what you want right? Let's go" and started to walk on the way to the kingdom of Panchal.

But he stopped suddenly. A smirk forming on his lips as if he had won some prize. " Oh wait, if you are princess where are you soldiers/bodyguards? Don't tell me that you sneak from your palace, am I right princess of Panchal?"

Draupadi realised that she is doomed.
He is right, none will believe that she is princess because they are surrounded by soldiers/bodyguards all the time. She has to get out of here as soon as possible, it's getting late already, if she won't be able to go there in time, she will have to receive punishment for sure.

"That-t's..that's none of your buisness, whether you believe or not is not my concern, I'm going, I'm getting late" she said and started to walk but someone held her wrist. Who could be someone other than karna cause there is no one beside them.

Karna realised what he had done, he left her wrist immediately as if he got hit by lightening."Sorry for that princess, it was just..." Karna was lost on his words, he doesn't know how to say that uhh...

"What?" Draupadi said and crossed her arms again, ready to throw sarcastic comment again." Well princess you are all drenched...and well uh are you sure you want to go like that?" There karna finally said it.

Draupadi was confused at first, she doesn't understand what he is talking about, but when she looked herself from bottom to top she realised that her dress is kinda visible because she was wearing white, her clothes were sticking onto her like a second skin.

She become embarrassed and trying to cover herself but it's of no use. She doesn't have extra cloth to wear. She is in deep shit.While she was thinking of ways to get out of the embarrassing situation, a hand came in her view with angavastra.

Karna wasn't the type to see girl's in dirty way. He can never ever. When she was about to go then he noticed that they both were drenched but he doesn't mind at all, but the princess of Panchal was in disheveled state. And if she go out like that someone might kidnap her or worst can happen for the sexual assault.

He can't let that happen, not on his watch. He remembered that he had an extra cloth in his bag. His bag was on the big stone. He picked his bag and opened it, trying to find that extra piece of cloth.After some time he found it. He went straight towards the princess of Panchal eyes on her face.( A/N:he is not a pervert, my guy is gentleman you all!)

"Here" he handed the white angavastra to her and step back a little and turned around, trying to give her some privacy. Draupadi was confused again but then she understood what he was trying to do.
She unfolded the angvastra and cover her body with that. It was looking big on her small body but she doesn't care, at least no one will see her in disheveled state.

She was thankful for his help but she doesn't have time, she has to go now.
She took her bag and ran away without thanking karna or saying goodbye. I mean why would She do that? It's not like she knows him. (" but you should have said thanks to him, it's basic knowledge") my other thought fired back at me. Whatever it's not like she is going to meet him again, is she?

As karna had turned his back to the princess so he doesn't know that she fled away." Princess are you done? I have something to give it to you" karna said but he didn't get any response.He called again but no response. He thought that something happened to her, what if she fainted? Or get eaten by wild animals? Nah that's impossible he had sensed it if there were any wild animals.

"Princess I'm going to turn Ok?" He asked again and this time he slowly turned to face the stubborn beauty, to his surprise she wasn't there." Huh? Where she went? Did she ran away? How am I suppose to give her this peral now?"

Actually the thing is, when they both fell in the water, karna's hand suddenly touched something in the water and it was the pearl she was trying to find. But in their bickering he forgot to give it to her. And now she is gone.

Karna signed and thought of going back to his Gurudev. It's almost dawn. He had wandered around too much today and that encounter with that stubborn princess has taken a lot of his enegry. He doesn't know when they will meet next time but for now he will keep this peral with him. With that karna also headed towards his place where he resides with his Gurudev.

"Their path will cross again but till then everything will be changed and so will the princess of Panchal and the soon to be the king of Anga Karna but with twist"


Sorry for the late update guys! I was busy with my Scl works! I hope you like the chp!

Stay tuned for the upcoming storm?

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