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After saying goodbye to his new friends, karna went to mahendragiri hills where Parshuram resides.It isn't that far but he has to climb many times just to reach there and by doing that he got many scratches here and there but it doesn't matter as long as he can see Parshuram.

By taking the last step, he finally reached at Parshuram's home.His body is aching from all those continuous climbing, he didn't even eat anything in this journey but he doesn't care about his ache right now, all he care about is meeting with Gurudev.

He saw lone figure in sitting position, he guessed it that he is Parshuram cause no one lives there only him.But he seems to be in meditation, his Mata always told him to not to disturb people in meditation so he has to wait till Gurudev open his eyes.

He also sat there not too close and not too far away from Gurudev.While he was on his journey to mahendragiri hills he sensed that someone is following him but then again who will like to follow a boy like him? So he brushed off that feeling.

Not long after, he saw Parshuram opening his eyes, he stood up along with Parshuram and was about to went there when he heard "why are you here child?" That voice of course belonged to Parshuram because the voice asked him with no emotion on his face and he got scared for a minute then composed himself.He needs to show that he is confident.

"Parnipat bhagwan, my name is Karna and I'm here to learn from you" I said while greeting him." Don't you know that I stopped taking students as my shishya? I don't teach anymore" said Parshuram.

"But bhagwan..i came here all the way just to learn from you..please don't do this to me, Atleast give me chance..this is my only and last chance... after the rejection from Dronacharya..."He started to shake his head while trying to forget about Dronacharya," please bhagwan Atleast think for once" I said with so much plea in my voice.

Parshuram had a frown on his face while trying to take the words said by the child and one name caught his attention. " Did you said Dronacharya?" He asked karna, he nodded his head as yes." What did he do?" Again Parshuram asked.

"He insulted me and laughed at me..because.." I can't form a sentence it's like something choked me.. " because? Say child, wait- from which caste do you belong?" Here comes that question he was get bullied for, he has to say it, it's now or never or else gurudev won't teach him, it's not like he is not going to tell him about his identity.His Pitashree taught him to never lie especially to the teachers.

" I belong to suta caste bhagwan and wait just listen to me for once before you start saying anything, I know suta has no right to learn anything but does suta people have no right to dream? Just because they are born in lower caste that means they have no right to dream or to learn anything? Even Dronacharya insulted me and said he doesn't teach suta people and they should know their limits, I was so torn into pieces after hearing that cause I didn't know his thinking was also like the rest of the I thought of coming here to get teaching from you.." I realised that I said too much in one breathe." Sorry for my rambling Gurudev..I apologise
" he blused in embarrassment.

Parshuram was stunned for the first time as no one ever made him surprised like that cause whatever the child had said is all true, he agree with him, he also didn't understand why people are so he'll bend on making the lower caste people suffer just so that those can feel superior? He also doesn't believe in all those crappy system.He didn't expected that his one of the former student has absurd thinking like the rest of the world.Seems like he failed as guru.

He thought while trying to brush off the feeling of failure as guru. He stared at the child for a moment and saw firm determination and hope of becoming a great warrior but also saw pain and rejection, humiliation and the child looks tired as well.

He decided to reply," Take a deep breathe child, I get it what you are trying to say and don't you worry and be afraid that I will be like the rest of the people. I don't care about caste system,I only teach those who really wanted to learn something and have the skill and capability to become a warrior, though it seems like i failed as guru to both of my former students Dronacharya and Bheesm..I Never expected from Drona to say something like this and here I thought I taught him well..." I said while feeling sad all of sudden.

" what are you saying Bhagwan?! You don't failed as guru but they failed as students! You taught them well, you taught them all you could get but it depends on them how they will use those skills and you can see the result in front of your eyes, so don't blame yourself, it's not your fault" karna said with small smile trying to lighten up Parshuram's mood.

Parshuram chuckled a bit with an amused expression, the child is right he is not the one to blame.Those former students of his will surely make him go crazy one day.His thoughts were interrupted by karna's voice." So bhagwan will you take me as your student?" Karna asked with so much hope in his eyes that Parshuram hesitated to take decision.

The hope in karna's eyes is so much that he doesn't want to crush them. He sign in defeat and accepted the fate that had thrown on him." Ok child I accept you as my student but you have to obey me and there will be many chores and difficulties, so be ready for all of these."

Karna was overjoyed with happiness!
He can't believe that he is accepted by some Gurudev! Scratch that not "some" Gurudev he is the great Parshuram! He is so happy that he started to cry, tears of joy. He was crying like a baby that Parshuram started to panic." Are you ok child?! Why are you crying all of sudden!? He asked in panic tone.

Seeing panicked face or Parshuram karna chuckled, Parshuram got confused with child's mood swings." I'm crying because I'm so happy Gurudev! Wait can I call you Gurudev!? Of course I can call you that as you have already accepted me as your student silly me!" Karna said and slapped his forehead for being silly. Parshuram was surely enjoying the child's reaction.

He got startled a bit with loud voice of karna! " what now child !? " he asked." Sorry for my loud voice Gurudev it's just that I forgot tell you that I have this kavach and kundal attached to my body since birth" after saying that the kavach and kundal appear on his body.

Parshuram was again stunned cause whatever karna had on his body is not normal for a suta like him to have.Seems like there is much more of karna than it seems. But if it will be in hands of evil then it will be dangerous. I have to make him promise that he won't give this kavach and kundal to anyone but not now, I want to see what this child can do.

" Ok child I will still accept you and like I said I will only accept one student so why there is two?" Parshuram said while pointing his finger behind his back. Karna got confused as to what Gurudev is trying to say. He then turned around and was shocked to see........


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