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Not too long after he left the cub, he finally reached his destination which is the padshala where Guru Drona is teaching the royal princes.He walked further with his arrow and bow in his hands, he saw Guru Drona teaching, how to be in position when targeting something with arrow , cause ofcourse the posture is important.

Karna, after seeing that can't wait to be teached by Guru Drona also.In his mind he thinks that Guru Drona won't do partiality cause he is guru ,a teacher whose job is to teach without doing discrimination.

Guru Drona saw that a boy was looking his way and asked "Who are you child ? What are you doing here?" And stared at him in weird way, because he was wearing a commoner's dress and Guru Drona only teaches royal princes, but ofcourse our karna didn't know about it, he is way too excited to learn archery.(silly him smh)

"I'm Radheya Karna Gurudev, I'm from hastinapur, and why did i came here is because umm....he was hesitating a bit now..I came here to learn archery from you Gurudev" yes he finally said it ! He realise that his eyes were closed and he was looking down when he said that, making a fool of himself but he couldn't care less about it right now.

"Boy you do know that I only teach Royals and which caste do you belong to?" Asked Drona. Now karna's faced was drained..he didn't know that he only teaches royals...and the way Guru Drona's tone's kinda rude..He don't know what to do now, he lost his confident totally.

But he doesn't loath the cast where he belongs to but the society has other views on caste System and he hated them.He still confidently said " I'm from Suta caste Guru Dev" and looked in his eyes.

"SUTA?" Guru Drona yelled and said," you are suta and expect me to teach you ?! Boy you do know that there is no place for suta caste to learn anything! You go and learn the things you suta cast usually do for your living, this is not for any lower class people like you! You better get out of here or else I would have to throw you out!"

My eyes instantly started to filled with tears but I refuse to show it infront of guru like him. All those goodwill of guru Drona are fake! Now I refuse to believe that he is good teacher.He doesn't even care about a child's feeling and started to throw insult at me, not caring about how I feel. What can be more worst than this.The one I admire is now throwing insult at me and not only that he also sees the world like the rest of the people, believing in caste and not their skills.

I don't know why but his insults gave me more reason to prove him that skills are the one that matters the most not the caste.I know that he was teached by Guru Parashuram.He is the greatest teacher. I will now go to him and learn everything from him.

I wiped my tears which fell down I don't know and faced Dronacharya "Never knew you would be like the rest of the people Guru Drona, and here I thought that your point of view will be different , that you will not believe in caste system but no, I admired you, heard alot about your goodwill but I guess it's all fake isn't it ? But don't you worry, the one you insulted will come back with great strength and will be better no best than your students" I said with firm determination and hope.

Guru Drona laughed loudly at me and I let him why? Because I think he is not worth of my time anymore." You think that anyone will teach a suta like you?" Let me see who in the world can teach you and make you greatest warrior" said Drona

" I accept your challenge Guru Drona" said karna and started to went from there and refuse to look back at the so called teacher. He was about to leave when he saw two figures came out from their hiding spot." You also want to insult me or want to laugh at me?" I said to the two figures in front of me." What!?, No we are not here to insult you or anything, you got it wrong" said one of them, but I refuse to believe them, after all they are taking classes from Drona so I believe they will be like him , arrogant and Egoistic. But it doesn't seems like with these two but I can be wrong about them.

"Then what are you here for?" I asked.
" I wanted to apologize on behalf of my father, I never liked the way he behaved like that, I don't believe in caste system or anything I also believe that one's shouldn't be judge based on their caste but on their skills, but my father never try to understand it", and the other started to speak as well " that's right whatever ashwathama says I also believe in them, I never like guru Drona but I don't have choice as I'm prince of hastinapur I have to learn all these things, I also apologize on behalf of him as I'm also his student".

I was shocked to say because I never knew I will find two people who's viewing of the world is just like me. And on top of that it's Guru Drona's son and Prince of hastinapur. I smiled sadly at them and said " It's ok it's not your fault, but I'm glad that there are some people who's thinking is just like me. I'm happy to meet with you guys but unfortunately I have to go"

Two of them looked at each other and smiled and said " we are also happy to meet with you and I hope we can be friends in the future as well, because I want to be friends with you as I don't really care about those unreasonable systems, and may I ask where do you plan on going ?" Ashwathama hit him on the duryodhana's head and said "sorry he just really rambles alot and ask so many things in one go" , " You idiot apologize to him!" .

I chuckled at their interaction, I never had friends and I don't mind making them friends but the timing is wrong but still I will try to be in touch with them, I know it's too soon to trust them cause I just met them but I think they are not that bad and I can somehow trust them. I waved my hand and said " No no it's not a problem at all, actually I plan to go on
mahendragiri hills where Parashuram reside and wanted to learn from him"

They become shocked and had some hesitation in their eyes as if they wanted to say something. " Are you sure mitr karna?" You know how he is..He is short temper and I guess he refuse to take any more students as his shishya" ashwathama said with worry.

"I know that, but can't I try ?" We shouldn't give up so soon on our dreams you know, we should try everything, that's why I'm going there and I will try my best to make him take me as his shishya, you both don't worry, if I can the chance to write letter I will definitely send it you But for now I have to go, I can't waste more time here" said karna with apologetic look.

"Yes you are right karna,we both will write letter as well! We both wish you the best!" Duryodhana said and went to hug karna instantly. Karna was again shocked but he instantly hug backed, feeling happy for the first time in months.

"We hope to see you as a great warrior karna" ashwathama said and also hugged karna. " Same goes to you too guys!" said karna and with the last hug he went away with content smile on his face.

And same goes those two figures also.


Sorry for the late update! I had exams that's why but now I'm free not entirely but yes kind off so I can try to update chapters as much as but don't expect too much cause my updates are irregular 😭😂
And I hope you enjoy the chp I tried my best again!!

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