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Kauravas and Pandavas were already in the gurukul of Dronacharya. Guru drona already started his teaching and as usual he is getting fond of pandavas more especially Arjun. Sometimes Duryodhana wonder, did the pandavas have some black magic power or something , that's why they are good at luring everyone?

Is he and his brothers and sister are bad? He knows he behaves rudely and doesn't listen to most of the people it's because he wants to get their attention on him or on his siblings , he is also a kid who wants love and affection from his parents and from the family, that's why he does that, there is no evil reasons behind it.He knows there is no point of doing that no one cares. Everyone thinks of him as arrogant prince who does everything for fun and doesn't care about anything at all.But that's not how it is, no one seems his real intention behind doing all these.

It's always yudhisthira this and he is that , how he is so polite and have good manners, how he take care of his siblings. It's always them.No one sees how he takes care of his siblings more like 101 siblings, it isn't easy task and yudhisthira has only 5, it's not like he doesn't love his siblings, he tries to give them love which his parents fail to give them , they are so busy in their works that they forget they have kids to take care of . And No he doesn't hate his parents he understands it but...seems like they forget their parenting.

He is there for his siblings but who is there for him? No one , he thought that his mamashree is the only one who loves them but no he was wrong.He heard his mamashree trying to conspire against pandavas,
He didn't knew that his mamashree can stop this low. It was good that nothing really happened at that time or else he couldn't forgive himself.

Yes he hates pandavas but not to the point that he likes to kill them,he now understand that his mamashree does bad deeds on the name of him and that's why everybody gives him stingy eyes.He has already warned his siblings not to indulge much with their mamashree or else he would give them punishments and it's good that they are away from him.

Atleast he made a friend.He is the son of his guru ,ashwathama.He is also good at archery but his father doesn't really give him much attention like he gives it to arjun.He feels bad about ashwathama.He knows his guru's obsession with arjun, making him aryavart's best archerer.(Not knowing that someone else is also preparing for that).They both shares same thoughts and he got to know that he also doesn't like pandavas much.And like that they talk about their problems and give comfort to each other while sitting on the branch of the tree.From then onwards they become best buddies.


On the other side, karna was ready to start his journey.Radha and Adhirath can see the excitement in his eyes."Putr are you ready to start your journey"? asked radha."Yes mata I'm all ready"said karna."Remember the things I said putr, never forget them" said adhirath." Yes pitashree, don't worry have faith in your child"said karna with small smile on his face .

"Let me drop you off putr"said adhirath."No pitashree like i said don't worry about me, I can go by myself , just take care of yourself and Mata"said karna , now his eyes getting moist, why ? Because he is going away from his parents but he also wanted to make them proud, it's for the best , hopefully, he thinks.

"Putr please take care of yourself and don't forget to eat and if you get time , send us letters too, don't try to get in trouble and-" radha was cut off by karna," Mata calm down will you ? You are saying like I'm never going to return to you guys! Don't think like that and I will perfectly going to take care of myself and I won't get in trouble too" said karna with light chuckle." How can I not worry karna, you are going away from us don't know for how many years , we won't be able to see you , it's mother's concern for her child karna you won't understand" said radha while sobbing

Karna came to his mother and hugged her tightly while saying" I know mata , I know" trying to console his mother."Priye let him go now he is getting late"said adhirath. " Yes swami , it's just my motherly instinct kicked in" she said. "i know priye , but don't worry about our putr at all , our blessings are with him and suryadev is also with him, guiding him on the right path"said adhirath while ruffling karna's hair fondly.

"Pitashree and Mata, now I'm off to my journey, bless me" said karna and touched his parents feet." Have safe journey putr and hope you will get success , we are always with you no matter what" said adhirath and radha nodded , agreeing with her husband.

Karna hugged his parents last time and said goodbye to them. Radha and adhirath were watching him and by then his figure disappear into the air, indicating that he left for real.Radha was sobbing on her husband's chest , adhirath was trying to calm her. They both were silently praying for their son's safety and happiness that's all matter to them.

Umm.. well yea that's chp 2 XD tried my best again...

Duryodhana and Karna are going to meet each other in the next chapter !

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