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Draupadi finally got a chance to sneak from the watchful eyes of soldiers around her. She is so fed up just staying in her room. Her parents doesn't let her out of the kingdom even though she begged so many times.

You might be wondering why my parents doesn't let me out, it's because according to them she is too little to go out , I mean don't they understand that I'm old enough to go out, I'm already twelve years old.

The second reason is that I'm from royal family so I might get kidnap on my visit to my own kingdom like wow! It's like they don't trust their own soldiers to protect me. I know it's sound like I'm being unreasonable or may be dramatic but I can't help it.

When you are caged in your own kingdom since birth, it start to suffocate you. Don't get me wrong I love my family and they give me everything aside from my freedom of being going out which I hate the most

So this time when everyone is kinda busy in preparing something which don't for what and she doesn't care. When she thought no one was around  near her, she climbed the wall while keeping eye on her surrounding.

She safely landed on her feet. She covered her face with a piece of cloth and changed her attire also so that people won't recognise her as Panchal princess. She doesn't want any attention as of now.

She successfully reached the main gate and finally out of the kingdom.
She never went to the market of her own kingdom. Every jewellery and fine clothes she got was from her mother or either from her siblings but never ever she has chosen something for herself.

Now it's time to choose for herself. That's why she has some money in her pounch also. She will enjoy today for sure!. With that she started to stroll around the market here and there excitedly. Her eyes sparkle on the things which fascinated her.

She wanted to but many things but for that she doesn't have anything in which she can put those things. So she bought some small things like jhumka, bangles, and some sweets to eat on the way to the next location.

She was exhausted because this is the first time she has walked so much. But it was worth it in the end. Even though it was worth it she is exhausted and wants to sit somewhere. She was trying to find a place where she can sit peacefully without this much crowd.

Her eyes fell on the forest area. She saw that forest from her balcony but never thought of going there. Now this is the chance she has got so why not try it and see what's in there?

She started to walked towards the forest area. She was in awe when she wa she inside of the forest because it was beautiful. Those beautiful butterflies, birds flying up in the sky freely, the voices of animals and birds. It's bliss for her honestly.

She then saw a river and she decided to sit there for a while. After sitting there she put her things on her left side. Her hand on on her chin while enjoying the serene and cold breeze on her face. She thought this is the best day of her life.

Suddenly she remembered something. She picked her pouch and started to rummage. After some time she found it. It was a pearl of blue colour. It's not something she couldn't have, she has more of these kind of pearls but the one she had in her hand is kinda different. She knows it's cheap unlike the one she has in her room those are expensive. But she doesn't know why this one pearl captured her sight.

She was observing the pearl with keen interest when she heard weird noise from the bushes. She thought it might be some wild animals, and in her panic state she dropped the pearl in the river.

"No no No! Not my pearl! I have to find it" she was about to jump in the river when she heard voice of a boy.
She slowly turned around and was face to face with young boy may be around her age? Or may be some year elder than her.

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