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I just wanted to remind u guys that this is just a FANFICTION and based on my IMAGINATION (which is very poor ik) anyway that's beside the point, so whatever is happening in my story, nothing like that ever happened in Mahabharata, whoever has prblm w my story can kindly leave , no one forced u to read it , but if it perks up ur interest then u r welcome to read. That's all!

Enjoy reading!


As karna was walking towards his journey, which is to find Guru Dronacharya, he kept thinking that what if Guru Drona will also judge him based on his caste like everyone else , will he reject me? Will he humiliate me?Will he mock me? Karna's head was spinning cause of too much thinking.He shakes his head to get rid of the depressive thoughts.
You can't blame him though when he almost everyday hears those mocking, insulting words whenever he tries to talk about learning weaponry or anything in particular.

After so much of a walk , he becomes thristy and tired.He then sees a river not so far and went there to drink some water.After that he thought of eating something, Mata had packed some foods so it will be more than enough for today. He started eating, while he was eating he heard some rustle behind him.He becomes alert, the sun is setting and being in forest one has to be careful cause there can be wild animals anywhere.

"Who is there?" Karna shouted and slowly, slowly was getting near to that sound, after some minute when he thought that the sounds stopped, he saw an injured tiger cub, whimpering
It's like the cub is asking for help.He wonder where is his mother?How he knows that it's a "He" cub well he had helped many animals like that , not a wild ones but yes so somehow he knows.

When he wanted to get near to the injured cub, he saw the cub flinched. Shit! He thought, how he is going to help that cub if he is being afraid of him! I mean the animals are always alert around humans cause not everyone is generous and kind.Many can be predator, hunting for it's prey.

"Shh little cub, I'm not bad person, don't worry I won't do anything to you, I'm here to help you" said karna as he was getting closer to the cub while saying reassuring words along the way.When he saw that the cub has calm down he started to rummage in his bag.He always had medicine with him cause he is kinda clumsy and got bruises here and there that is why his mata made sure to have those medicines with him all the time.

Ahh! He finally found it but first he has to make the cub sit on his lap so that he can apply the medicine carefully. He slowly made the cub sit on his lap after some whimpering and whinning noise from him.He started to apply the medicine on his wound carefully and slowly.After some time when he was finished he put him on the ground and left him there , to find some dry leaves so that he can comfortably lay on those dry leaves.

He made sure that the dry leaves are arranged it good way so that the cub doesn't have to suffer much.The cub stared at him with his cute eyes that melted karna's heart a little."You cute little cub, how did you get the wound?Did you lost your mother?" He asked and pinched his nose a little.

Ofcourse he knows that the cub won't answer him but he is wondering how the hell this cub got wound and was all alone in this forest.Anyway he needs to make sure that the cub is alright.He needs to rest for now as it is alright night so he will rest beside the cub, it will be good cause he will take care of the cub this way and will know if there is any danger.He will protect the cub! He knows that it's already been few minutes or so but he already like that cute cub.

As he was drifting into his dreamland he noticed a presence beside him.He opened his eyes and saw that it was just a cub who seems like to stay close to him.The cub was looking at him with those cute and frightened eyes.Tell me who doesn't want to protect this cute cub.He also scoot closer to him, trying to provide warmth.He put an arm around the cub but not in the way that would hurt it's wound.When he saw that the cub is safely secured in his arms he also went to sleep.

And just like that the morning came.The sun rays fell on karna's face and he squinted his eyes.After taking some moment he got up and saw that there was no cub beside him. He instantly stood up and started to panic, thinking of all the scenarios that could have had happened to the cub.He was about to start searching for him when he heard some noise , he turned around and saw the cub was jumping here and there, trying to catch a butterfly with his tiny body.It was cute sight but got so scared that he nearly had an heart attack when he didn't found the cub beside him but he is glad that the cub seems fine and even started to play already.

He went to the cub and called out to him" Hey little cub where were you huh, I was so worried that something might have happened to you" karna said while patting his head.The cub seems to enjoy the patting as it is asking for more.Karna laughed after seeing this and shake his head while fulfilling the cute little dumpling's request.Who is he to deny anyway.

He realized that he is wasting his too much time here so he got up and started to prepare again.He went to river, did his morning prayer and washed his face.There were some fruits fallen from the trees, he washed them also and ate then.When he saw the cub we looking at him, he raised his eyebrows and asked "You want some little dumpling?" Then he realized that tiger cub can't eat fruits they eat meats.What an idiot I'm,karna thought to himself.

He can't give him meat cause he doesn't have it right now and anyway he is going to left him soon and he hopes that the cub will find his mum.
He stood up from his place, dust off his clothes and grabbed his bag, ready to go forward again."Hey little bud, I'm going now , I hope you will find your mata , take care" karna smiled and said goodbye to the cub.

The cub was staring at the retreating figure of karna and started to follow him.(A/N:He also likes karna now🤧)
As karna treated his wound and take good care of the cub he thought that he should be with him.He feels protected with karna.That innocent being doesn't know where to go and the forest his wild so he follows where karna is going.

And so with that the cub started to follow karna , and karna thought that the cub had understood whatever he had said and wished to see him again not knowing that the cub is following him with his tiny paws.


Sorry if it doesn't turn out to be ur expectation but I tried!!😂😭😭I'm an immature writer so bear w it.

See ya in the next chp!

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