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Karna didn't expected to see him. To say that he was shocked was an understatement.He don't know how to feel! Should he feel happy or cry he is stuck now.He face palm, with a sign he asked " what are you doing here little one? Are you lost again? I thought I left you there?"

If you are wondering who this "little one" is, let me remind you it's the tiger cub I had saved few days back, but I don't know how he got here! Wait- so the presence he fell when he was heading here, it was his presence! Aish! He should have checked instead of ignoring those kind of feelings cause sometimes it can be threat.

He came towards me and started to rub on my legs, asking for pats on his head and who am i to say no? So i patted him for a while and then turned towards Gurudev with sheepish smile." Umm he is my friend, I saved him when he was wounded, but I didn't know that he was following me secretly!"

Gurudev was staring at me intently but not long after he asked" so what are you going to do with him?" To be honest I don't know what am I going to do with tiger cub.If I have to take him back it's going to take a lot of time.I sat down to the cub's level and he was staring at me with his oh so puppy eyes. Jeez! Little one don't stare at me like that! How can I say no to that face, this is harder than i thought

It's like I know what this cub was trying to say with his eyes.I can understand it a bit. He doesn't want to go back to that forest.He wants to be with me.I mean you can say that in one glance that the cub is being clingy or else he wouldn't have followed him

" Gurudev it seems like my little one doesn't want to go back...if you could let him stay with me..IF NOT IT'S FINE TOO! I will think about some solution soon.."

Parshuram chuckled, he knows that the cub doesn't want to go back as he can understand animals emotions very well but he doesn't know that the kid can understand it as well, not that good but yes he can.He can teach him to talk to animals then he can even talk to animals.

And he wouldn't even say no to that cub because it seems that he doesn't have anyone and can't protect himself at this age.So he came up with an idea
" I don't mind it kid, he can stay with you but you will take all the responsibility of him alright? And well he can train with you as well..I mean i can teach him to be strong along side with you so that you will have strong companion. And I don't know if you know that I can talk to animals and can understand them"

"OMG THANK YOU GURUDEV! I will take full responsibility! And I didn't know that you can understand animals! That's why you chuckled because you knew the cub doesn't want to go back but wanted to check if I can understand it or not!"

"Yea well if you want i can teach you how to talk to animals even though not all my student were interested in that part" said Parshuram."Are you serious gurudev! Omg yes I wanted to learn how to talk to animals and understand their emotions because I want to know more about my little one! Ahh this is the best day of my life! I don't know about your other students but just so you know gurudev I wanted to learn everything from you! Everything means everything. IF you are willing obviously".

"Did you heard that little one! You can stay with me and even can train with me ! I will take good care of you" karna was whispering with the cub and the cub was also happy, he was trying to roar, to show how happy he is to be with karna but him being cub that roar came out as meow. His ears dropped as he felt embarrassed with that voice of his. But then he heard a laugh.It was karna's laugh, he was laughing at the cub for being too cute.

He shakes his head and grab his face in his palm, squishing his face a little bit and said " You are cub so your voice will be little meak but when you will become big, I'm sure every animal will shudder in fear with your voice little one, so don't be embarrassed! For now being cute is your power, you can lure anyone with  your cuteness, for example Me!"

Parshuram can see that these those will sure become stronger in the future and he sense that the cub is bit different from the other tiger. Karna and that little cub was already playing with each other. The cub was licking his face and karna was laughing, fully enjoying the cub's company.

Parshuram clapped his hands to get those brats attention who are playing with each other and ignoring his presence."Alright kid stop playing, let's stop it for today. We will start training from tomorrow onwards.For now go and take rest.I hope you know how to make hut?"

Karna, after getting his attention back on his Gurudev nodded his head " I know how to make hut and I know how to make food too! I mean just few things here and there and Gurudev stop calling me kid ! I have a name! I have three names Karna, Vasusen and Radhey.You can call me anything from these three"

"Ok i will call you vasu, let's head back, it's getting dark" said Parshuram and then the trio walk alongside with each other to settle down themselves.


Sorry for the short chp! But I rlly wanted to have that cub back on karna's side! And dw vayujit(vajujeet) will be there too! But can someone please suggest me names for that little cub ! Cause i can't came up w one lol 😭

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