Take no for an answer

43 2 0

Speech = ''.....''

Thoughts = [... ...]


...If you swing at the king, you better not miss...


Legends told that once upon a time, a dragon made of marble and moonlight came and met a young warrior king, the beast would look at the human and fight him to a stand still. Once both sides were able to acknowledge the power of the other did the beast propose a treaty between them.

He would become subservient to the human king, granting him his powers and protection for as long as the sun would shone down the world, but with one and irremediable condition.

The promise that someday they would give him death.

The king accepted, and so the kingdom grew and flourished under the dragons protection. His power made the land became fertile and rich. Their kingdoms barriers protected by magical, impenetrable mist. Its people lost in the wonders that they lived.

He had played his part, and so...he waited for theirs.

But they betrayed him....

Those bastards, in their human greed in their human arrogance had broken the accord their ancestors had sealed with blood and tears.

A pact between man and dragon was not a waste of ink on paper, it was far more valuable...

And yet that had not saved it from being spit upon...

Why? Why they had done this...? How they had come to this end, ignoring the crucial role that said pact had played in the growth of their kingdom?

He did not know, or perhaps, that was what he had told himself at first for he dared not look at the decrepit and sad appearance they now bared.

But he knew the truth, and he loathed it with all his heart.

They had grown fat and lazy..

Uncaring and weak....

It was hard to look at them, to see them wander around the product of his own power and boast of their self imposed tittles that they had not fight for but inherited from those who did, he could scarcely began to believe that they had any semblance of relation with those that had tried to fight him so long ago.

Those memories rotting away as those worms started to stump down the failed, yet Heroic tales of the one that made the pact.

And so his rage continued to built over time, the flames growing hotter and wilder inside him. Churning his insides until even the likes of his kin could not keep it under grasp any more.

They were unworthy.

And so a test was needed to be carried out, only then, if only one came out to face and fight him to the same point their ancestor had then perhaps he would pardon them.

And so he attacked, with all his might, granting no quarter as he bared within his scaled body the hope to find who would come to save the day.

But the city fell in minutes...

None came to fight him as they all died in a flash under the poisonous touch of the mist.

Silently and without notice as he tore through building after building as he grew more and more annoyed at the lack of response, at the show of weakness..

An Eminence? No, I am just a reaper (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now