Hush you little noble -3

23 2 0

Speech = ''...''

Thoughts = [...]


''For such a brief amount of time, it seems that you have made quite the name for yourself, Koldarrd...''

The words could have been mistaken for some sort of praise, in other world perhaps, but here there were no mirth nor warmth in the voice of the master of the Pendragon household.

His grey eyes, cold and sharpen by the cruel nature that hid beneath a regal mask of humanity glared at the other occupant of the room, never blinking, never stopping trying to pour themselves inside the skull of the person they were referred to.

A person who was calmly drinking a cup of tea across the table as if nothing was wrong and the mood of the room was nothing oppressive and threatening.

After a few seconds, the raven haired boy moved the cup away from his lips and back into the plate where it had first remained, however he did not meet the nobles glare...more focused on looking at the blurry reflection shown on the side of the cup.

''I take that you have found amusement in such development, "father"...''

The word tasted foul in his mouth, and he made no effort in hiding it as he replied in turn. Perhaps they were now son and father, but that was merely a formality in the eyes of the law, and one none of them enjoyed.

In a sickly sense of irony, the two had found common ground in the way they loathed each other existence.

He could have worked the mans mind to be all but accommodating to him, to make the man bend at his words as he was his only constant, but the thought of this filth trying to be sweet and supportive was more repugnant than could be conceived.

He had two fathers before...., and he had killed them all the same.

At least, here in this scene he could work with hate.

Hate he knew well...and it knew him in return.

''And why is that?''

Koldarrd finally tilted his head to the man of the house, yet instead of standing more straight than before, he instead chose to lean against the back of seat before he waved a hand in a placating manner.

''If my acts displeased you..., we would not be having this conversation''

''And what says we are not..?''

''We both know that's not what is happening right now, not yet at least...''

He closed his eyes, though he did not need them to know that he was still been glared at with those eyes.

''So why instead of going in circles we don't address the most shocking aspects of what drove you to call me here before we return to more future and banal endeavors? Time is of essence, always...''

The glare of the older man hardened, the ghost of a smile wrapping around the edges of his lips..yet one that did not meet his eyes who glowed with dangerous thoughts as the sound of fingers tapping the cool, polished wooden frame of the table started to echo.

''On that, I agree...''

''The guards...''

''You brutalized them...''

Koldarrd opened one eye, though he did not look at his "father", raising his arms with a weak shrug before he graved the edge of the cup he had just left behind.

An Eminence? No, I am just a reaper (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now