Blood, sisters and chess

54 1 4

Speech = ''...''
Thoughts =
[... ]


It had been a few weeks already since the day Rose had left their side...., the more he thought about it, the more it felt like yesterday since the young princess had taken her departure back to her family.

He could still remember the way her lips had tried to speak out without words the intent that had remained veiled to all but her. The way her heart throbbed and stopped for a moment, the way her eyes glimmered with bright and kind thoughts plagued with a hint of selfishness...

Hmmm, surprisingly....the little girl had fallen in his good graces, despite the odds against her.

The last time a human princess had ever got close to him, she had tried to open his skull with a hammer.

He almost snorted at the memory..., those really were the times, werent they? And yet, bitterness started to crawl down his back at the realization that he no longer could remember that woman's face at all.

Not the way of her cheekbones, the color of her hair, only the eyes...those glowing ponds of raw, unhinged distaste and madness were all that had remained unchanged.

He shook his head, he really did not know why thinking about Rose would make a connection with the ghosts of his past.

Right now, he had far more pressing matters than to ponder what was already and truly dead.

He cocked his head to the side, fake eyes of a meat puppet moving and following the commands of his mind. Glancing at the sultry and opulence that laid in the entirety of the library of the mansion.

Marble, gold, silver, ruby's, emeralds covered the walls, floors, ceilings and even furniture of the entire room. Swords and shields hanged from the walls, covering and protecting emblems and flags of past actions of conquest and war against their fellow noble neighbors...or foes from afar like the Velgata empire.

And that was without adding the towering walls of books that encompassed most of the room in the massive bookshelves that seemed to try to scratch the very ceiling above his head. Tons of tomes, ancient or new laid in waiting all neatly compiled, waiting for a pair of eyes wanting to digest some hidden knowledge.

The Pendragons were as proud as they were filthy rich...

They had made war a business and they had thrived in it like crows feasting over the leftovers of a battle field.. He could relate to that..if there had not been another hand pushing their agendas as-well.

However, this grandiose...though meek in comparison with what he already seen location had not been his first choice in settling his fake self.

In fact, it was not even the third one when he had considered a place to lay low in the public eye when he tried to find the myriad of connections that a child would have been able to approach unlike his true self...

Indeed..., his first target had actually been a secluded and not very important noble family in the outer edges of the Midgard kingdom. Away from prying eyes and scheming men from breathing down his neck with their petty dreams and worthless lives.

One not known for their wealth or political power, one which was rather outrageous in its unimportance in the world of nobles and their games, and actual little thing in the board which could have been considered the background set up of a nameless and unimportant individual...if one were to ignore the rumors that their bloodline was able to produce strong warriors..

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